Displaying 109 - 204 of 204
Summerside, P.E.I.: Aug. 1917. Reprinted
Description: This is Page 4 of 11 pages of fire insurance maps of Summerside. (An older version of this town section is shown on Summerside_p4_1910.) The map shows the area from Belmont Street to the waterfront,… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1917-08
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Summerside, P.E.I.: July 1903
Description: This is Page 5 of 11 pages of fire insurance maps of Summerside. It was created in 1903 and revised to 1910. It shows the area from Myrtle Street to Market Street North, between Duke and Central… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Summerside P.E.I.: July 1903.
Description: This is Page 6 of 11 pages of fire insurance maps of Summerside. It was created in 1903 and revised to 1910. It shows the area from Convent Street to Church Street, between Central and Granville… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Summerside P.E.I.: July 1903.
Description: This is Page 7 of 11 pages of fire insurance maps of Summerside. It was created in 1903 and revised to 1910. It shows the area from Carvell Street to Belmont Street, between Granville and Russell… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Summerside, P.E.I.: July 1903
Description: This is Page 8 of 11 pages of fire insurance maps of Summerside. It was created in 1903 and revised to 1917. It shows an area from the Kirk Street vicinity to the waterfront, east of Russell Street.… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1917-08 (year and month uncertain)
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Summerside, P.E.I.: July 1903
Description: This is Page 9 of 11 pages of fire insurance maps of Summerside. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows the area from Chestnut Avenue, in the north, to Myrtle and Convent… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910 (year uncertain)
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Tignish. P.E.I.: Population 500. No appliances. October 1888
Description: This is an older (1888, revised to 1893) version of a fire insurance plan of the village of Tignish. A more updated plan is shown on the map Tignish_1910. The map shows the area near Chapel Road and… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1888-10
Date Modified: 1893-10
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Tignish P.E.I.: Population: 500. Hook & Ladder. Nov 1897.
Description: This is a fire insurance plan of the village of Tignish. It was created in 1897 and revised to 1910. (An older plan is shown on the map Tignish_1893.) The map shows the area near Chapel Road and the… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1897-11
Date Modified: 1910-10
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Tyne Valley P.E.I.: Novr. 1897. 1 Mile West of Port Hill Station. Population 300. No Appliances.…
Description: This is a fire insurance plan of Tyne Valley. It was created in 1897, revised to 1903, and then revised again to October, 1910. It shows the town in two (2) sections that are intended to be… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1897-11
Date Modified: 1903-07, 1910-10
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Wellington, Lot 16
Description: This item is a fire insurance plan of the community of Wellington. It shows the village in three (3) sections that are intended to be continuous. The largest map section, across the top of the sheet… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Tracing from Plan of North part of P. E. Island surveyed by Captn. Bayfield
Description: Tracing from plan of North part of Prince Edward Island surveyed by Captain Bayfield. Tracing by H.J. Cundall. Outline of coast, Lots 1-11. (No.94). The map shows bodies of water such as Gulf Shore,… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of the western part of Lot 16
Description: Plan of the western part of Lot 16. Shows names of residents, acreage, and a few land conveyance references. The map shows bodies of water, roads, other lots such as 15, and 18 in Indian River, a… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1880-01-24
Tracing of Plan of A part of the South Moiety of Lot or Township No. 26 in Prince County in the…
Description: Plan of part of the south moiety of Lot 26, including the property of A. E. C. Holland. Plan drawn by John Clay. The map shows part of the southern half of Lot 26 divided into parcels of land with… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1876-05-12
Plan of Lot 27 Prince County: The Property of James P.
Description: Plan of the northern part of Lot 27 (No.72). Pope Estate. Shows names of residents and acreage, the Northumberland Strait, mill pond, and roads. Plan referred to in the Deed from Pope to the… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of Part of the Estate of R.B. Stewart Esq. Situate on Lot or Township No. 27 shewing the…
Description: Plan of part of Lot 27. Estate of R.B. Stewart. Shows names of residents, acreage, and a few land conveyance references, roads, and the sea shore.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1848-03-24
A Plan of Part of Lot No. XXVII Situat in P.E.I. the Property of J. Cambridge Esq. from an Actual…
Description: Plan of part of Lot 27 (No.74). The property of J. Cambridge. Shows names of residents and acreage, Carlton Cove and a compass. Plan is one of those referred to in the Deed from Sir Edward, William… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1828-08
Copy of Plan of part of Lot 27 Prince County P.E.I. Purchased from Hon. J. C. Pope
Description: Copy of plan of part of Lot 27 purchased from Hon. J.C. Pope. The plan is referred to in the Deed from James Colledge Pope and his wife to the Commissioner of Public Lands, July 13, 1868. The map… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1868
Plan of Part Township No. 28: The property of Henry Palmer Esquire
Description: Plan of part of Lot 28 (No.75). The property of Henry Palmer. Shows names of residents, acreage , and land conveyance references, bodies of water such as marshes, straits, and rivers, roads,… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Alberton, Prince Edward Island: Population 1500. Hand Engine. 400' Hose. Water Supply: Brook…
Description: This is a fire insurance plan of the town of Alberton concentrating on two blocks of Main Street from Church Street to Argyle Street. A key plan in the lower left corner provides context. The map was… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1888-10
Date Modified: 1910-10
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Plan of Alberton: Surveyed by John Ball, Land Surveyor
Description: Plan of part of Alberton, Lot 4. Shows names of residents and land conveyance references, bodies of water such as bays, and creeks, and roads.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1871-08
Plan of Township No. 3: Copied from Mr. Andersons Plan 1847 by Geo. Wright
Description: Plan of Lot 3 showing the Township divided into 21 lots. Plan copied by Geo. Wright. The map shows names of residents, acreage, roads, rivers, and capes.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1847
Plan of Lot 2 (No.7)
Description: Plan of Lot 2 (No.7). Cunard Estate. The map shows residents, and acreage, bodies of water, roads, and a division line.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of Lot 2
Description: Plan of Lot 2 showing names of residents, acreage, and some land conveyance references, rivers, and roads.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of Lot 2
Description: Plan of Lot 2. Plan referred to in the deed from Sir Edward, William and Laura Cunard to the Commissioner of Public Lands. Shows names of some residents, also gives some land conveyance references,… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1866
Plan of the Western Moiety of Lot or Township 1 : Part of ot copied and part from actual survey by…
Description: Plan of the western moiety of Lot 1 (No.2), part of it copied and part from actual survey. Palmer Estate. The map shows residents and land acreage, ponds, and roads.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1854-08-05
Plan of Township No. 2: Compiled from the Proprietors Plans and partial surveys
Description: Plan of Lot 2 (No.5). Compiled from the Proprietors Plans and partial surveys by John Ball, Public Lands Department. Cunard Estate. Shows the names of residents, former occupants, and land conveyance… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1885-10
Plan of Lot 28: Prince Co. P.E.I.
Description: Printed map of Lot 28. Names and land conveyance references have been added in red ink. The map shows residents, lots, roads, bodies of water such as rivers, towns, and cities, buildings, and an… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
A Plan of Land on Lot or Township No. 17 in Prince County, P. E. Island
Description: A plan of part of Lot 17, the property of J. Weatherbe, Summerside. (No.11). Shown are lots, residents, measurements and roads.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1857-06
Plan of A Tract of Land situate in Summerside P.E.Island, in the possesion of Mr. Jesse Green, laid…
Description: Plan of a tract of land situated in Summerside and laid off in pasture lots. The property of Mr. Jesse Green. The map shows lots, residents, roads, and acreage.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1877-04-24
Plan of part of Lot 28, showing the property of William Carruthers bordering on Borden Harbour.
Description: Plan of part of Lot 28, showing the property of William Carruthers bordering on Borden Harbour. The map shows lots, residents, water, and roads.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of Lot 5: Mainly Outline
Description: Plan of Lot 5. Mainly outline. Shows names of some residents east of Mill River, lots, and waters.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Copy of a plan made by Alexander Anderson in 1845 of that portion of the northern part of Lot 11…
Description: Copy of a plan made by Alexander Anderson in 1845 of that portion of the northern part of Lot 11 sold at various times for land taxes. Plan shows property bought by David Ramsay at a Sheriff's… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1909
Plan of Lennox Island: Incomplete
Description: Plan of Lennox Island. Incomplete. Shows water and foliage.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Sketch of parts of Lots 4 and 5
Description: Sketch of parts of Lots 4 and 5. Area along Mill River(?). Shown are lots, and water.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of Township No. 7 the property of R.Bruce Stewart: Drawn by R. Stewart 1861 from survey by A.…
Description: Plan of Lot 7. The property of R. Bruce Stewart (No.23). Surveyed by A. Anderson and others, and drawn by R. Stewart. The map shows lots, residents, and roads.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1861
A Plan of Prince Town Royalty: from A Survey made in Nov. 1828
Description: A plan of Prince Town Royalty. Also shows Prince Town. Gives numbers of Town and Royalty Lots. The map shows bodies of water, squares, and towns.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1828-11
Plan of Township No. 7: Copied from the the Survey of John Clan L.S>
Description: Plan of Lot 7 (No.22). Stewart Estate. Shows names of residents, acreage, and references to land conveyance, roads, and bodies of water. Plan copied by Owen Curtis.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
A Trace of West Coast, Prince Edward Island: from the Survey by Capt. Bayfield, R.N. furnished at…
Description: Plan of the West Coast of Prince Edward Island from the survey by Capt. Bayfield furnished at the request of a Committee of the House of Assembly, March 18, 1842. The coast line marked in red has… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1842
Tracing of Plan of the North Moiety of Township No. 26: The property of the Messrs Thompson of…
Description: Tracing of Plan of the North Moiety of Lot 26, the property of the Messrs. Thompson of Belfast, Ireland. Documents attached. The map shows lots, residents, roads, acreage, and bodies of water.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1875-11-05
Plan of Part of Railway Line on Lot No. 16
Description: Plan of part of the Railway Line on Lot 16. The map shows roads, lots, water, and residents.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1872-04-30
Plan of part of the Railway appropriation in Lots 5 and 6
Description: Plan of part of the Railway appropriation in Lots 5 and 6. Shown are lots, roads, and residents.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps, transportation maps
Office Copy of Plan No. 5 of the Royalty of George Town: by Jos. Ball D. S. Gl. June 7th 1853
Description: The map shows the numbered town lots and street grid of Georgetown. It gives the acreage amounts of a few of the town lots. The names of some residents have been added in pencil. The map shows… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: plans
Date Created: 1853-06-07
Plan of Lot 2
Description: The map shows Lot 2 divided into parcels of land. It provides the names of residents, their acreage amounts and some land conveyance references for most of the east end of the lot and for a small… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of Part of the Railway Line on Lots No. 16 and 17
Description: Plan of part of the Railway Line on Lots 16 and 17. Appropriations from Lot 16 to the French purchase. The map shows roads, lots, residents, and acreage.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1872-04-29
Plan of Part of the Railway Line on Lot No. 17: Shewing the Stations Grounds at Summerside.
Description: Plan of part of the Railway Line on Lot 17 showing the Station Grounds at Summerside (No.2). Former location of the appropriations from Linkletter Road into Summerside. The map shows roads, lots,… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1872-04-29
Paln No. 1 of Railway Appropriation: from Alberton to Tignish
Description: Plan of Railway Appropriations from Alberton to Tignish. (Plan No.1). The map shows roads, resdients, acreage, lots, and foliage.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1873
Plan No. 2 of Railway Appopriation: From Alberton to Tignish
Description: Plan of Railway Appropriations from Alberton to Tignish. (Plan No.2). The map shows roads, lots, residents, acreage, and foliage.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1873
Plan of a proposed new line of road from Middleton Road to Isaac Ive's Millas coloured brown…
Description: Plan of a proposed new line of road from Middleton Road to Isaac Ive's Mill connecting with the road already opened from Searletown to Ive's Mill thro. part of Lot 27. The map shows lots,… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of a new line of road from Victoria West to Western Road Lot 13 Prince Co. P.E.Island
Description: Plan of a new line of road from Victoria West to Western Road. Lot 13. The map shows lots, residents, roads, and rivers.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of part of the Linklater Road, Lot 17
Description: Plan of part of the Linklater Road, Lot 17. (Linkletter Road) The map shows lots, residents, and roads.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Princetown Royalty: Prince County
Description: The map shows Princetown Royalty in Prince County. Shown are rivers, bays, roads, landowners, acreage, and towns. Atlas of Province of Prince Edward Island, Canada and the World
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Lot No. 1 : Prince County
Description: The map shows Lot 1 in Prince county. Shown are the Gulf of St. Lawrence, ponds, rivers, creeks, landowners, acreage, roads and a railroad.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Lots 2 & 3 : Prince County
Description: The map shows lots 2 & 3 in Prince county. Shown are the Gulf of St. Lawrence, capes, ponds, landowners, acreage, rivers, and roads.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Lots 4 : Prince county
Description: The map shows Lots 4
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Rural Directory - Lots 4 - 6, Prince County
Description: A directory listing of residents of lots 4, 5, and 6.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: text
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Plan of Lot One: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: Map showing the northWestern tip of the island. It names the gulfs, rivers, ponds, landowners and acreage, roads, and railroads. A graphic compass.
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Lot 6: Prince County
Description: The map shows Lot 6 in Prince county. Shown are roads, landowners, acreage, railroad, rivers, and Oyster creek
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Lot No. 7: Prince County
Description: The map shows Lot 7 in Prince county. Shown are capes, coves, roads, landowners, and acreage.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Plan of Lot Six: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: Map showing lot six, bordering lots 5, 9, 10, 11 in Prince county. Shows rivers, creeks, railroads, roads, landowners, acreage, post offices, and buildings. Geographical compass
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Lot No. 8: Prince County
Description: The map shows Lot 8 in Prince County. Shown are the Nothumberland Strait, Wolf Inlet, Landowners, acreage, and roads.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Plan of Lots Two : Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: Map showing lots 2
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Lot No. 9: Prince County
Description: The map shows Lot 9 in Prince county. Shown are roads, Egmont Bay, Dog Cove, roads, and railroads.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Plan of Lot Seven: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: Map showing lot seven, bordering lots 4, 5, 6, and 8 in Prince county. Shows gulfs, railroads, roads, landowners, acreage, post offices, and buildings. Geographical compass
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Rural Directory - Lots 9 and 10, Prince County
Description: A directory listing of residents of lots 9 and 10.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: text
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Tignish, Prince Co.: Campbellton
Description: The map shows Lot 1 in Tignish, Prince county. Shown are roads, landowners and acreage, a church, chapel, and convent, a cemetery, railroad and station, grammar school, business, and houses. Compass.
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Lot 10: Prince County
Description: The map shows Lot 10 in Prince county. Shown are rivers, roads, landowners, and acreage.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Lot 11: Prince County
Description: The map shows lot 11 in Prince county. Shown are roads, landowners, acreage, the Gulf of St. Lawrenece, Sand Hills, The Narrows, Cascumpeque Baym Foxley River, and Cavendish Inlet.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Rural Directory - Lot 12, Prince County
Description: A directory listing of residents of lot 12
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: text
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Lot 12: Prince County
Description: The map shows Lot 12 in Prince county. Shown are roads, landowners, acreage, The Narrows, rivers, and a railroad.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
County of Prince: Prince Edward Island
Description: The map shows the county of Prince in Prince Edward Island. Shown are capes, bays, coves, roads, railroads, cities and towns.
Publisher: Roe Brothers
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: geological maps
Date Issued (Source): 1878
Plan of Lot Four : Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: Map showing lots four
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Lot 13, Lennox Island: Prince County
Description: The map shows Lot 13 in Prince county. Shown are bays, roads, creeks, and towns. Also shown in a smaller map at the top is Lennox Island. Shown there are landowners, peat bogs, and Gull, Salt Grass,… more
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Lot 15: Prince County
Description: The map shows lot 15 in Prince county. Shown are Red Head, Cape Egmont, Egmont Bay, the Northumberland Strait, rivers, landowners, acreage, and roads.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Plan of Lot Eight: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shows lot 8 in Prince county. Shown are roads, landowners and acreage, rivers, Northumberland strait, ponds, lighthouses, post offices, churches, mills, and businesses. Compass.
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Lots 14 and 16 : Prince County
Description: The map shows lots 14 and 16, in Prince county. Shown are bays, ponds, coves, landowners, acreage, rivers, and roads.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Plan of Lot Thirteen: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: Map showing lot thirteen, bordering lots 12, 14 and 15, in Prince county. Shows gulfs, straits, bays, rivers, ponds, creeks, railroads, roads, landowners, acreage, post offices, and buildings.… more
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Lot 17: Prince County
Description: The map shows Lot 17 in Prince county. Shown are byas, coves, landowners, acreage, towns, cities, and roads.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Plan of Lot Nine: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shows lot 9 in Prince county. Shown are roads, landowners and acreage, Egmont bay, sand, Brae river, post offices, railroad and station, schools and churches. Compass.
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Plan of Lot Fourteen & Sixteen : Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: Map shows lots fourteen & sixteen in Prince county. Shown are roads, creeks, coves, rivers, post offices, railroads and stations, ferries, points, bays, landowners, acreage, churches, and… more
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Plan of Lot Ten: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shows lot 10 in Prince county. Shown are roads, rivers and creeks, railroad and station, post offices, a school, and landowners and acreage. Compass.
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Lots 27 and 28: Prince County
Description: The map shows lots 27 and 28 in Prince county. Shown are the Northumberland Strait, points, coves, landowners, acreage, roads, and a railroad.
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Plan of Lot Eleven: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shows lot 11 in Prince county. Shown are roads, landowners and acreage, rivers, bays, coves, creeks, ponds, sand, railroad and station, post offices, and school houses. Compass.
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Rural Directory - Lots 27 and 28, Prince County and Lot 67, Queens county
Description: A directory listing of residents of lots 27 and 28 in Prince County and lot 67 in Queens County
Publisher: Cummins Map Co.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: text
Date Issued (Source): 1927
Victoria, Lot 29; Map of Lennox Island
Description: The page displays map of Victoria in Lot 29. Shown are roads and streets, a harbour, wharfs, landowners, post offices, buildings and school houses. Compass. The page also displays a map of Lennox… more
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Plan of Lot Twelve: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shows lot 12 in Prince county. Shown are the Narrows, roads, railroad and station, ponds, landowners and acreage, school houses, creeks, rivers, and coves.
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Plan of Lot Fifteen: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shown is lot 15 in Prince county. Shown are byas, wharfs, landonwers and acreage, roads, post offices, villages, rivers, coves, a commissioners line, fishing coves, a court house, and stores… more
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Plan of Lots Twenty Five & Twenty Six: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shows lots 25 and 26 in Prince county. The map names roads, landowners and acreage, railroads, post offices, churches, harbours, lighthouses, hotels, coves. and rivers. Graphic compass.
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Summerside: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shows the city of Summerside. Shown are the wards, a corportion line, landowners and acreage, roads, cemetery, buildings, railroad wharfs, and a harbour.
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Plan of Lot Twenty Seven: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shows lot 27 in Prince county. The map shows roads, railroads, crosses, ponds, rivers, bays, straits, coves, mills, post offices, and churhces. Graphic compass.
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Plan of Lot 28: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shows lot 28 in Prince county. Shown are straits, coves, rivers, Anglo-American cable, Winter Crossing Ice Boats, post offices, churches, landowners and acreage, and factories. Compass.
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Princetown Royalty: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shows Princetown Royalty, in Prince county. Shown are Bays, a basin, rivers, commons, sand, points, wharfs, churches, cemetery, post offices, roads, and landowners.
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Plan of Lot Nineteen: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shows lot 19 in Prince county. Shown are creeks, bays, roads, railroads and stations, landowners and acerage, post offices and buildings. Compass.
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Plan of Lots 33 & 34: Queens Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shows lots 33 (coloured in blue) & 34 (coloured in pink) in Queens county. The map shows roads, railroads and stations, landowners and acreage, farms, post offices, churches, hotels,… more
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Plan of Lot Eighteen: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shows lot 18 in Prince county. Shown are bays, capes, points, coves, post offices, schools, creeks, mills, churches, landowners and acreage, and roads. Compass.
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Map of Alberton Lots 4 & 5: Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description: The map shows lots 4 & 5 in the town of Alberton, Prince county. Shown are rivers, creeks, lakes, wharfs, shipyard, roads, railroad, landowners and acreage, mills, churches and cemetery. Compass… more
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880
Summerside: Prince Co.
Description: The map shows the city of Summerside. Shown are the wards, roads, landowners and acreage, harbour, barracks, schools, squares, shipyards, railroad and station, and wharfs. Compass.
Publisher: J. H. Meacham & company
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Issued (Source): 1880