Title Proper |
Plan No. 2 of Railway Appopriation
Subtitle |
From Alberton to Tignish
Description |
Plan of Railway Appropriations from Alberton to Tignish. (Plan No.2). The map shows roads, lots, residents, acreage, and foliage.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Surveyor: Ball, John
Details |
Plan of Railway Appropriations from Alberton to Tignish. (Plan No.2). The map shows roads, lots, residents, acreage, and foliage.
Names Present on Map |
Sylvan Barnard, Joseph Gaudet, Brazill Doucett, [Oniseme Doucett], Hon. Stanistaus F. Perry, Joseph Gaudet, Bernard Simeon, Hubert Gaudet, John Gordon, John Haywood, William T. Symonds, Artemas W. Clark, J. Currie, Moses Vincent, Artemas VIncent, William Vincent, John Matheson, Willian Mountain, Thomas Yeo, John Currie, Martin O'Brien, James Mountain, John Burke, Hon. Herbert Bell
Date Created |
Extent |
1 map: col.; 138 x 25.3 cm.
Physical Description |
Rolled map on drafting cloth.
Scale |
5 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Geographic - City | |
Subject (Topical) |