Title Proper |
Plan of Lot 28
Subtitle |
Prince Co., P.E.I.
Description |
The map shows lot 28 in Prince county. Shown are straits, coves, rivers, Anglo-American cable, Winter Crossing Ice Boats, post offices, churches, landowners and acreage, and factories. Compass.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Robertson Library, UPEI
Names Present on Map |
James Gillespie, Alexander Manson, H. McLaren, Alexander Reblee, D. Morrison, [Charles Doulle], David McFarland, Robert Carruthers, John Bell, Thomas Bell, John Muttart, John D. Muttart, Stephen Muttart, John Bell, John Robinson, William Silliker, Walter Bell, William Bell, John Driscoll, Edward Deagon, Daniel Deagon, Patrick Deagon, John Irving, John Walker, William Deagon, John Harrey Jr. John Walker, John Harrey Sr., David McKay, John McNeil, Hector McNeil, Robert Carruthers, John Bell, Thomas Bell, Joseph Clark, Louis Muttart, Isaac Clark, Alexander Strang, Nelson Clark, Mrs. Ronald Campbell, Finlay Campbell, George Bell, Neil McPherson, Neil McFadyen, Stephen Campbell, Neill Campbell, Arthur Irving, Muncey Irving, John McWilliams, James McRae, Hector McFadyen, Finley McFadyen, Charles Muttart, James Dickey, Robert Dickey, John Campbell, Josiah Howatt, Thomas Heffell, Wesley Wright, Charles Wright, Oliver Muttart, Benjamin Webster, Colin Campbell, Major Clark, William Murphy, James H. Smith, David Thompson, Thomas Walker, John Boulter, Robert Boulter, Richard Large, Benjamin Boulter, William McRae, Charles Crossman, James Howatt, John Lacy, Charles Thompson, Allison Lefurgey, Philip Thomas, Nelson Thomas, Samuel Thomas, Edward Wadman, Weelock Cameron, Thomas Dawson, Bowley Howatt, Henry Dawson, James Clark, Alexander Howatt, William Murphy, Benjamin Robinson, James W. Robinson, Benjamin Webster, Dougald Cameron, John Cameron, Solomon Bell, Neill McFadyen, Donald Cameron, Edward Wadman, Finlay McFadyen, Isaac Inman, Stephen Halliaday, John M. Leard, Wheelock Cameron, James Clark, William Howatt, Thomas Robinson, James Gambell, Robert G. Campbell, Alexander Dawson, Charles Howatt, James Muirhead, John Muirhead, Albert Callbeck, William Keogh, John Dawson, Samuel McWilliams, Major Inman, David McWilliams, James Thompson, John Woods, Alexander Dunbar, Stephen Leard, Edward Leard, William Thomas, Alexander McInnis, Thomas Taylor, J.W. Robinson, Alexander McKay, John Lang, Archibald Lord, Philip Lord, Dr. Potts, William Francis, Charles M. Leard, William Clark, Calvin Howatt, Artemas Howatt, Eliphalet Muttart, Robert Lord, Warren Howatt, Joseph Leard, James Leard, Charles Crossman, John Keogh, William McWilliams, Thomas Dawson, John Woods, Daniel Quigley, Adam Morrison, William Quigley, James Cameron, Horatio Bynon, Roberts Simmons, Richard Pooley, James Morrison, William Pooley, John Howatt, Patrick Walsh, Mark Mayhew, James McEwen, Mike McEwing, Archibald Howatt, John J. Crawford, Thomas William Howatt, William Wilson Howatt, Wesley Robblee, Wellington Callbeck, George Sturdy, Neil McDonald, Angus McDonald, William Rogerson, William Francis, Thomas Gambell, John Gambell, Richard Gambell, Samuel Newsom, William Waddell, Thomas Newsom, Wesley Robblee, Wilson Howatt, James Reid, Mrs. Gouldrup, Jacob Gouldrup, A.R. Lewis, Warren Lord, John Lord, Lauchlin McNeill, Curtis Lord, Fanny Leard, Mark Best, Joseph Robblee, Robert Leary, William Warren Lord, Curtis Lord, James Sentner, Samuel Hall, Donald McLaughlin, William Dawson, Theodore Foy, John N. Leard, William Callbeck, Bradford Howatt, George Howatt, Richard Lea, James Hudson, Elijah Clark, William C. Lea, L.T. Lea, Charles Clark, James Lea, James Boulter, James Lefurgey, Mrs. Benjamin Dawson, James Crawford, Bertram Lea, William Gillespie, John McQuarrie, Flora Campbell, Mrs. Carruthers, Robert Carruthers, Hector Campbell
Date Issued (Source) |
Publisher |
J. H. Meacham & company
Extent |
13.5 x 15.5 inches
Scale |
40 chains to one inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Geographic - City | |
Subject (Topical) | |
Source |
Illustrated historical atlas of the province of Prince Edward Island: From surveys made under the direction of C. R. AllenSubtitle
From surveys made under the direction of C. R. Allen
![]() Creator: Allen, C. R.
J. H. Meacham & company
Date Issued