Chas. E. Goad

Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is a fire insurance plan of the village of Mount Stewart consisting of two maps--one for each side of the Hillsborough River. It was created in 1893 and revised to 1910. The smaller map, on the left side of the page, shows an area of town east of the river; the larger map shows an area west of the river. A key plan at the bottom right provides context. The maps show the town divided into numbered sections. They show buildings, with numbers assigned to them and their heights given in storeys. The buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. A key in the upper left corner explains the colour coding and the symbols, which are used to depict architectural features. Labels on some buildings indicate their use. The maps show sections of the P.E.I. Railway. The Hillsborough River is outlined in blue. The maps show street widths measured in feet. Text information states the community has "no appliance" in terms of firefighting resources. The maps and the key plan have compasses with north arrows. There is a line scale in feet.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is a fire insurance plan of the village of Montague Bridge consisting of two (2) maps--one for each side of the Montague River. It was created in 1888 and revised to 1910. The map on the left side of the page shows an area of town north of the river; the map on the right shows an area south of the river. A key plan at the top provides context. The maps show the town divided into numbered portions. They show buildings with numbers assigned to them, and they give the height of each building in storeys. The buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. A key in the middle of the page explains the colour coding and the symbols, which are used to depict architectural features. Labels on some buildings indicate their use. The Montague River is outlined in blue. The maps show street widths measured in feet. Text information states the community has "no appliance" in terms of firefighting resources. The maps and the key plan have compasses with north arrows. There is a line scale in feet.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is a fire insurance plan of the village of Kensington. It was created in 1888 and revised to 1910. It focuses on the area of Broadway Street, between Dufferin and Victoria streets, approximately. A key plan in the upper right corner provides context. The map shows Kensington divided into numbered blocks. It shows buildings, with numbers assigned to them and their heights given in storeys. The buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. A key in the upper left corner explains the colour coding and symbols, which are used to depict architectural features. Labels on some buildings indicate their use. A section of the P.E.I. Railway is shown. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It states the community has one hand engine and a 100-foot hose for fighting fires. The map and the key plan have compasses with north arrows. There is a line scale in feet.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is a fire insurance plan of Hunter River. It shows the town in two (2) sections that are intended to be continuous. The sections show the area around the California Road and the Malpeque Raod. A key plan in the lower left corner provides context. The map sections show the town divided into numbered portions. They show buildings, assign numbers to them, and give their heights in storeys. The buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. A key on the left edge of the page explains the colour coding and symbols (used to depict architectural features). Labels on some buildings indicate their use. Features on the larger map include a starch factory and a section of the P.E.I. Railway, including the station. The mill ponds are shown outlined with blue. The map sections show street widths measured in feet. Text information states the community has "no protection" in terms of firefighting resources. The two map sections and the key plan have compasses with north arrows. There is a line scale in feet.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is the second of two (2) pages of fire insurance maps of Georgetown. It was created in 1893 and revised to 1910. The map concentrates on an area one and a half blocks east from West Street, between Grafton Street and the harbour. See Georgetown Page 1 for the adjacent section. A key plan in the upper right corner of Page 1 provides context. The map shows street names, numbered town blocks and buildings. It indicates the street numbers of buildings and their heights in storeys. The buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. A key on the right edge of Page 1 explains the colour coding and symbols (used to depict architectural features). Labels on some buildings indicate their use. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It shows the locations of water pumps. The map shows a portion of the P.E.I. railway, the railway station, railway wharf and ferry wharf. The harbour is outlined in blue. The map has a compass with a north arrow.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is the first of two pages of fire insurance maps of Georgetown. It was created in 1888, revised to 1897, and revised again to 1910. This page concentrates on an area one and a half blocks west from Victoria Street, between Grafton Street and the harbour. See Georgetown Page 2 for the adjacent section. A key plan in the upper right corner provides context. The map shows street names, numbered town blocks and buildings. It indicates the street numbers of buildings and their heights in storeys. The buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. A key on the right edge of the map explains the colour coding and symbols (used to depict architectural features). Labels on some buildings indicate their use, eg. General Store, Post Office, Storage, etc. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It states that there are no firefighting appliances and the harbour serves as the water supply. The map shows wharves, with the harbour outlined in blue. The main map and the key plan have compasses with north arrows.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is a fire insurance plan of the village of Crapaud. It was created in 1897 and revised to 1910. The main map shows Main Street and the area where the roads into town converge. The Crapaud Creamery Co. butter factory is shown in its own map at the bottom of the page. A key plan near the upper right corner of the page provides context. The maps show numbered town sections and buildings, which are also numbered, with their heights given in storeys. The buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. A key on the right side explains the colour coding and symbols (used to depict architectural features). Labels on some buildings indicate their use. The Westmoreland River is shown outlined with blue. The maps show street widths measured in feet. Text indicates the community has "no appliances" in terms of firefighting resources. The main map and the key plan have compasses with north arrows. There is a line scale in feet.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is a fire insurance plan of the community of Coleman. It shows the Brae Road in the vicinity of Campbell Road and the P.E.I. Railway. A key plan in the upper left corner provides context. The main map shows streets names, numbered town sections and buildings. It the street numbers of buildings and their heights in storeys. The buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. A key on the left edge of the map explains the colour coding and symbols (used to depict architectural features). Labels on some buildings indicate their use, eg. General Store, Post Office, etc. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It indicates the community has "no protection" in terms of firefighting resources. The main map and the key plan have compass roses with north arrows. There is a line scale in feet.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 20 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It shows Water Street in two (2) sections that are intended to be continuous. The section at the top of the page shows Water Street and the waterfront from the foot of Haviland Street to Great George Street; the section at the bottom of the page shows Water Street and the waterfront from Great Gearge Street to Weymouth Street. The map sections show the wharves on the Charlottetown Harbour, the buildings situated on them and the heights of the buildings in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Charlottetown maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) Some buildings have labels indicating their use. The Charlottetown Harbour is outlined in blue. The map sections show the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map sections have compasses with north arrows, and there is a line scale in feet.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 19 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows the area from Grafton Street to Water Street, between Weymouth and Edward streets. The map shows numbered city blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Charlottetown maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) Some buildings have labels indicating their use. Features on this map include the Davis & Fraser pork packing plant; the electric light station of the Charlottetown Light & Power Co.; and the part of the P.E.I Railway, including the station and platforms. The map shows part of the Hillsborough River, outlined in blue. It shows the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map has a compass with north arrow.