Chas. E. Goad

Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 18 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows the area from Euston Street to Grafton Street, between Weymouth and Edward streets. The map shows numbered city blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Charlottetown maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) Some buildings have labels indicating their use. The map shows the Prince of Wales College building and grounds. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It shows the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map has a line scale in feet and a compass with north arrow.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 17 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows an area bounded by Brighton Road and Euston Street to the north, Rochford Street to the east, Grafton Street in the south, and the harbour and the Government House grounds to the west. The map shows numbered city blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Charlottetown maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) Some buildings have labels indicating their use. Features on the this map include Government Pond and West Kent School. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It shows the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map has a line scale in feet and a compass with north arrow.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 16 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It contains two (2) maps, showing two (2) different areas of the city. The larger map shows the west end of the downtown, below Grafton Street, and part of the harbour. The smaller map to the bottom left shows part of Elm Avenue/Malpeque Road (University Avenue) from the vicinity of Kirkwood Drive and Allan (Allen) Street down to Connolly Street. The maps show numbered city blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Charlottetown maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) Labels on some buildings indicate their use. The maps show street widths measured in feet. Locations of hydrants are indicated by blue circles. The maps have compasses with north arrows and line scales in feet.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 15 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. The map shows part of the eastern portion of early twentieth-century Charlottetown. It includes Birchwood Street, Longworth Avenue and Mount Edward Road in the northern portion of the map and the eastern ends of Euston and Fitzroy Streets, along with Esher Street and Kensington Road in the southern portion. The map shows numbered city blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Charlottetown maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) Some buildings have labels indicating their use. Features on the this map include part of the P.E.I. Railway, an Imperial Oil yard, a condensed milk factory, the county jail and a hospital. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It shows the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map has a line scale in feet and a compass with north arrow.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 14 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows the area from Allan (Allen) Street, in the north, to (approximately) Euston Street in the south, between Elm Avenue/Malpeque Road (now University Avenue) and Birchwood Street. The map shows numbered city blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Charlottetown maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) Some buildings have labels indicating their use. Features on the this map include a cemetery, a church with parsonage, and Upper Prince Street School. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It shows the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map has a compass with north arrow.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 13 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows the area bounded by Connolly Street in the north, Elm Avenue/Malpeque Road (now University Avenue) to the east, Passmore Street in the south, and Upper Queen Street to the west. The map shows numbered city blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Charlottetown maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) Some buildings have labels indicating their use. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It shows the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map has a line scale in feet and a compass with north arrow.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 12 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows the area from Douglas Street to Churchill Avenue and Chestnut Street, between Spring Street, to the west, and Upper Queen Street, to the east. The map shows numbered city blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Charlottetown maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) The map shows a creek, coloured blue, and the location of the Spring Park Tannery. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It shows the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map has a line scale in feet and a compass with north arrow.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This item, Page 11 of 20 pages of fire insurance plans of Charlottetown, consists of two (2) maps. The main map shows the area from Green Street to Brighton Road, between Greenfield Avenue (Second) and Spring Park Road. A smaller map in the upper left corner shows part of Highland Avenue near Ambrose Street (First). The maps show numbered city blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Charlottetown maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) Labels on some buildings indicate their use. The main map shows a creek, coloured blue, flowing into Government Pond. The maps show street widths measured in feet. Locations of hydrants are indicated by blue circles. The maps have compasses with north arrows. There is a line scale in feet.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 10 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows the area from just north of Euston Street, south to Kent Street, between Prince and Weymouth streets. The map shows numbered city blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Charlottetown maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) Labels on buildings indicate their use. Features on this map include two churches; a skating rink/arena; an agricultural hall; and King's Square. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It shows the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map has a line scale in feet and a compass with north arrow.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 9 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows the area from Passmore Street to Kent Street, between Queen and Prince streets. The map shows numbered city blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Charlottetown maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) Labels on buildings indicate their use, eg. Carriage Factory, Cobbler, Warehouse, etc. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It shows the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map has a line scale in feet and a compass with north arrow.