Chas. E. Goad

Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is a fire insurance plan of the community of Murray River South that consists of two maps--one for each side of the Murray River. The larger map, on the left side of the page, shows an area of town on the north side of the river; the smaller map, on the right side of the page, shows an area south of the river. A key plan at the bottom provides context. The maps show the town divided into numbered sections. They show buildings, with numbers assigned to them and their heights given in storeys. The buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. A key on the right side explains the colour coding and the symbols, which are used to depict architectural features. Labels on some buildings indicate their use. The maps show street widths measured in feet. The Murray River is shown outlined in blue. The smaller map shows a portion of the P.E.I. Railway and the station. Text information states the community has "no protection" in terms of firefighting resources. The maps and the key plan have compasses with north arrows. There is a line scale in feet.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is a fire insurance plan of the village of Victoria. It was created in 1893 and revised to October, 1910. It shows the area from Bardin Street to the waterfront, between Nelson and Russell streets. A key plan in the upper right corner provides context. The map shows the town divided into numbered blocks. It shows buildings, their street numbers and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. A key on the right side explains the colour coding and symbols, which are used to depict architectural features. Labels on some buildings indicate their use. Names of some residents have been added in pencil. The map shows the wharves along Water Street. Victoria Harbour is outlined in blue. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It states the community has "no appliances" in terms of firefighting resources. The map and the key plan have compasses with north arrows. There is a line scale in feet.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is a fire insurance plan of Tyne Valley. It was created in 1897, revised to 1903, and then revised again to October, 1910. It shows the town in two (2) sections that are intended to be continuous. The larger map section shows parts of the town on both sides of the Trout River and the mill pond. The map continues in a smaller section, located at the lower right part of the page. A key plan in the upper right corner provides context. The map sections show the town divided into numbered areas. They show buildings, their street numbers, and their heights in storeys. The buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. A key on the left of the page explains the colour coding and symbols (used to depict architectural features). Labels on some buildings indicate their use. Names of some residents and other updates have been added in pencil. The map sections show street widths measured in feet. The Trout River and the mill pond are shown outlined with blue. Text information states the community has "no appliances" in terms of firefighting resources. The two map sections and the key plan have compasses with north arrows. There is a line scale in feet.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is a fire insurance plan of the village of Tignish. It was created in 1897 and revised to 1910. (An older plan is shown on the map Tignish_1893.) The map shows the area near Chapel Road and the railway line. A key plan in the upper right corner provides context. The map shows the town divided into numbered blocks. It shows buildings, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. A key on the right side explains the colour coding and symbols, which are used to depict architectural features. Labels on some buildings indicate their use. Street names and the names of some residents have been added in pencil. The map shows a portion of the P.E.I. Railway. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It states the community has a hook and ladder to fight fires. The map and the key plan have compasses with north arrows.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is an older (1888, revised to 1893) version of a fire insurance plan of the village of Tignish. A more updated plan is shown on the map Tignish_1910. The map shows the area near Chapel Road and the railway line. A key plan in the upper right corner provides context. The map shows the town divided into numbered blocks. It shows buildings, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. A key on the right side explains the colour coding and symbols, which are used to depict architectural features. Labels on some buildings indicate their use. Street names and the names of some residents have been added by hand. The map shows a portion of the P.E.I. Railway. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It states the community has "no appliances" in terms of firefighting resources. The map and the key plan have line scales in feet and compasses with north arrows. The north arrow on the key plan appears to point in the wrong direction--south rather than north.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 9 of 11 pages of fire insurance maps of Summerside. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows the area from Chestnut Avenue, in the north, to Myrtle and Convent streets in the south, between Duke and Granville streets. The map shows numbered town blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Summerside maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) The map shows street widths measured in feet. It shows the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map has a line scale in feet and a compass with north arrow.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 8 of 11 pages of fire insurance maps of Summerside. It was created in 1903 and revised to 1917. It shows an area from the Kirk Street vicinity to the waterfront, east of Russell Street. Pasted updates show part of King Street, to the north, in its own small section in the upper right corner and in a triangular piece just below. The map shows numbered town blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Summerside maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) The map shows a portion of the P.E.I. Railway and some industrial enterprises along Water Street. The Bedeque Harbour is shown outlined in blue. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It shows the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map has a line scale in feet and a compass with north arrow.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 7 of 11 pages of fire insurance maps of Summerside. It was created in 1903 and revised to 1910. It shows the area from Carvell Street to Belmont Street, between Granville and Russell streets. The map shows numbered town blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Summerside maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) The map shows street widths measured in feet. It shows the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map has a line scale in feet and a compass with north arrow.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 6 of 11 pages of fire insurance maps of Summerside. It was created in 1903 and revised to 1910. It shows the area from Convent Street to Church Street, between Central and Granville streets. The map shows numbered town blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Summerside maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) Labels on some buildings indicate their use. Features on this map include five (5) churches, a convent, and a public square. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It shows the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map has a line scale in feet and a compass with north arrow.
Creator: Chas. E. Goad
This is Page 5 of 11 pages of fire insurance maps of Summerside. It was created in 1903 and revised to 1910. It shows the area from Myrtle Street to Market Street North, between Duke and Central streets. The map shows numbered town blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Summerside maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) Labels on some buildings indicate their use. Features on this map include church, a skating rink, a courthouse and jail, and a portion of the P.E.I. Railway. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It shows the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map has a line scale in feet and a compass with north arrow.