Victoria P.E.I.
This is a fire insurance plan of the village of Victoria. It was created in 1893 and revised to October, 1910. It shows the area from Bardin Street to the waterfront, between Nelson and Russell streets. A key plan in the upper right corner provides context. The map shows the town divided into numbered blocks. It shows buildings, their street numbers and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. A key on the right side explains the colour coding and symbols, which are used to depict architectural features. Labels on some buildings indicate their use. Names of some residents have been added in pencil. The map shows the wharves along Water Street. Victoria Harbour is outlined in blue. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It states the community has "no appliances" in terms of firefighting resources. The map and the key plan have compasses with north arrows. There is a line scale in feet.