Charlottetown, P.E.I.
This is Page 15 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. The map shows part of the eastern portion of early twentieth-century Charlottetown. It includes Birchwood Street, Longworth Avenue and Mount Edward Road in the northern portion of the map and the eastern ends of Euston and Fitzroy Streets, along with Esher Street and Kensington Road in the southern portion. The map shows numbered city blocks and the buildings situated on them, the street numbers of the buildings and their heights in storeys. Buildings are colour-coded according to construction materials and/or use. (See Page 1 of the Charlottetown maps for a key explaining the colours, as well as symbols, which are used to identify architectural features.) Some buildings have labels indicating their use. Features on the this map include part of the P.E.I. Railway, an Imperial Oil yard, a condensed milk factory, the county jail and a hospital. The map shows street widths measured in feet. It shows the locations of hydrants, indicated by blue circles. The map has a line scale in feet and a compass with north arrow.