Cundall, H. J.

Plan of Town Lots at Cascumpec Point, Lot 5. The map shows Cascumpec Point divided into parcels of land (most of them numbered) with names of residents. Shows land belonging to J. C. Pope outlined in yellow. Shows streets and street names, public squares, railway line and wharves. Bodies of water (Cascumpec Harbour and Dock Creek) are outlined in blue. Marsh areas are shown in green. Bar scale in chains. Compass rose with magnetic north arrow showing variation for 1764.
Surveyor: Cundall, H. J.
Plan of Lot 21 and its connections with adjoining Townships. Shows the names of a few residents north of the South West River. The map also shows many other rivers and creeks, roads, and a nautical compass. Surveyed by H.J. Cundall and others; drawn by Thos. MacKinlay.
Surveyor: Cundall, H. J.
Plan of the northern moiety of Lot 45 compiled from surveys made by L.N. Gall and H.J. Cundall. Plan referred to in deed to Commissioner of Public Land, dated 13th July, 1866. The map of the northern half of Lot 45 shows numbered parcels of land with names of owners or occupants with their corresponding acreage amounts. Two areas of land are outlined in blue. Roads are shown. Bodies of water--Big Pond and the Gulf of St. Lawrence--are coloured or outlined in blue. Sand areas around Big Pond are light brown.
Surveyor: Cundall, H. J.
Prince Edward Island Railway. Land appropriated at Souris. This plan shewing the lands appropriated by the Railway Commissioners is filed in the Office of Registar of Deeds and Keeper of Plans for the purpose of dedicating to the Public such lands for Railway purposes in accordance with the 13th Section of the Act 34th Victoria Cap: 4 intitled "An Act to authorize the construction of a Railroad through Prince Edward Island". Shown are residents, roads, and Souris Channel, and Bay.