MacKinlay, Thos.

Surveyor: Cundall, H. J.
Plan of Lot 21 and its connections with adjoining Townships. Shows the names of a few residents north of the South West River. The map also shows many other rivers and creeks, roads, and a nautical compass. Surveyed by H.J. Cundall and others; drawn by Thos. MacKinlay.
Plan of Lot 5 (No.17). Cunard Estate. Copied from plans in Land Office with many additions and corrections from more recent surveys. Also sundry data connecting the lands with their ledger folios, deeds, leases, etc. The map shows residents and land acreage, many bodies of water such as rivers, creeks, and harbours, islands, roads, and a nautical compass.
Plan of the western end of Lot 13 (No.37). Yeo Estate. The map shows the western part of Lot 13 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, their acreage amounts and land conveyance references handwritten in black and red ink. Some parcels (freehold land?) are coloured purple; 3 others are light brown. The map shows roads coloured light brown. Bodies of water, which include part of Egmont Bay, the Sheep River and Fresh Water River, are coloured blue. Marsh areas are coloured green and sand bars are beige with stippling. Compass rose with decorative magnetic north arrow showing variation for 1764.