Ball, John

Plan of part of Lot 2 showing Joseph Hammill's Farm containing 30 acres. The map shows Joseph Hammill's 30-acre parcel shaded in a greenish colour. It also shows the adjacent parcel of John DesRosche and the locations, but not the boundaries of two other neighbours, Sylvan Gaudet and Peter Arsneaux. McNeill road is shown. Map shows deed registry numbers for the parcels of Hammill and DesRoche.
Plan of Cascumpec Point, Lot 5. The map shows numbered parcels of land on Cascumpec Point with names of residents and some land conveyance references. The legend indicates that parcels are outlined in either yellow, red, green or purple to show, respectively, land paid in full, land with deposits laid down, vacant land, or Pope lots acquired by sheriff's sale. Numbered lists down the left and right sides of the map show either the owner's name or, if not owned outright, the status of each parcel. Map also shows streets, marsh areas and a wharf. Compass rose with north and magnetic north arrows with variation for 1764.
Plan of Town Lots at Cascumpec Point, Lot 5. The map shows Cascumpec Point divided into parcels of land (most of them numbered) with names of residents. Shows land belonging to J. C. Pope outlined in yellow. Shows streets and street names, public squares, railway line and wharves. Bodies of water (Cascumpec Harbour and Dock Creek) are outlined in blue. Marsh areas are shown in green. Bar scale in chains. Compass rose with magnetic north arrow showing variation for 1764.
Surveyor: Ball, John
Plan of a proposed new line of road from Middleton Road to Isaac Ive's Mill connecting with the road already opened from Searletown to Ive's Mill thro. part of Lot 27. The map shows lots, residents, riads, water, and foliage.