Title Proper |
Plan of Township No 63 St. Andrew's Parish Queens County
Subtitle |
Description |
Plan of Lot 63. This is one of the plans referred to in the Deed from the Cunards to the Commissioner of Public Lands, July 15, 1866. The map shows lots, residents, roads, acreage and bodies of water such as rivers.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Surveyor: Cundall, H. J.
Details |
Plan of Lot 63. This is one of the plans referred to in the Deed from the Cunards to the Commissioner of Public Lands, July 15, 1866. The map shows lots, residents, roads, acreage and bodies of water such as rivers.
Names Present on Map |
K. McRae, James Walker, Peter McKenzie, Donald McKenzie, Ewen McDonald, Alexander McDonald, Lauchlan Matheson, John McDonald, Benjamin McEachern, Murdoch McEachern, Malcolm McDonald, Donald McDonald, Edward Roberts, William McLure, Donald Matheson, Roderick McDonald, Cartney McLure, Lachlan Matheson, John McLeod, Murdoch Martin, John Bowles, Donald McQueen, Archibald McInnis, William Matheson, Peter Matheson, Angus McPherson, John McArthur, Alexander Matheson, John Corwan, Joseph Colgan, John Cameron, John Martin, Angus Nicholson, Archibald Nicholson, Donald Ross, Alexander Gillis, Peter Cassidy, John Nicholson, Malcolm McLeod, Charles McDonald, Charles Small, [Neil Martin], Robert Wood, John S. Smith, Charles Noy, William McDonald, John Alhs, Alexander Robertson, Donald McLeod, Andrew Millar, James Jenkins, William Singleton, Nicholas Jenkins, Henry Robertson, William H. Stewart, George Jenkins, Ephraim Jenkins, Samuel Acorn, William Weatherbe [William Weatherby], Thomas Weatherbe [Thomas Weatherby], John Woods, Thomas Jenkins, Dugald McEachern, Donald Singleton, Daniel Singleton, [Peter Dockman], William Johnston, Isaac Alfred Bears, James Reid, Joseph Acorn, John Morrison, Samuel Butler, William Porter, Phillip Lecole, Richard Clarke, James McLean, Mungo Ferguson, John Dunn, Mathew Prosper, James Murray, Maurice Tobin, Patrick Lanegan [Patrick Lannigan], James McGee, Owen Sullivan, Edward Welsh, William Farrele [William Farrell], John Lanegan [John Lannigan], George Sentnor [George Sentner], Walter Millar, James Finley, Patrick Brennan, Edward Kirow [Edward Kellow], Maurice Tobin, Archibald McDonald, Michael Farrell, Terrence Lanagan [Terrence Lannigan], David Sencebaugh [David Sencabaugh], James Clow, John Reid, Francis Gilligan, David Gavin McLure, James Graham, Benjamin Butler, Thomas Clow, John Sensebaugh [John Sencabaugh], John Creed, John French, Lauchlan McKenzie, Alexander Lewellyn, William Dalziel, Robert Kennedy, John Lewellyn, Samuel Lewellyn, William Hicken, Andrew McLure, Thomas Graham, John Graham, W. Graham, Flora Martin, John Matheson, Donald Beaton, Michael McPherson, Duncan Cameron, Peter Scott, John Angus Bruce, William McPherson, Alexander McIntosh, John M. Scott, Alexander G. Scott, James McAssey, Alexander Duff [Alexander Duffy], James Walsh, Samuel Johnston, Neil Johnston, John Scott McLeod, Alexander McLeod, John McLean, Neil McQueen, Malcolm McLean, Malcolm Bethune, Donald Stewart, Lauchlan McLean, Alexander McLellan, Donald McLean, Edward McFadyen, Angus McLean, William Fraser, George Brown, William Johnstone, Christopher Johnstone, John W. Roberts, Josiah Roberts, Henry Marquand, Daniel Fraser, Price Graham, William Cooper, William Irving, George Henderson, Benjamin Clow, Christopher Johnson, Daniel Lannagan [Daniel Lannigan], Duncan Stewart, Mathew Quinn, Neil Millar, George Irving, Thomas Henderson, Charles Richards, John Murdoch, John Roberts, Donald Livingston, George Birnie, James Peake, Edward Kerwin, Thomas Kerwin, John Kerwin, James Dunn, John Dunn, Henry Dunn, Daniel McHerron, William McHerron, Thomas Dunn, William Kennedy, Andrew Kennedy, John Chapman, Edward Thomas, Henry Chapman, Charles Dunn, William Clow, James Millar, John Condon, Edward Butler, John Dalziel, Daniel McKennan [Daniel McKinnon], John McKay, Peter Landrigan [Peter Lannigan], John McLure, Thomas Mary Irving, John Clow, David Irving, Alexander Reid, William Fairchild, Stephen Beers, George McLeod.
Date Created |
Extent |
141.5 x 46.5 cm
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Subject (Topical) |