Displaying 82 - 108 of 118
Charlottetown Prince Edward Island: Population: 12,500. July 1903
Description: This item, the first of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown, serves as the key plan for the other Charlottetown pages. It was created in 1903, revised to 1910 and revised again to 1917.… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910-08, 1917-07
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island: July 1917. Reprinted
Description: This is Page 2 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It shows the area from Sidney Street to the waterfront, between Haviland and Queen streets. The map shows numbered city blocks and… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1917-07
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island: July 1917. Reprinted
Description: This is Page 3 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It shows the area from Sidney Street to the waterfront, between Queen and Prince streets. The map shows numbered city blocks and… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1917-07
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Charlottetown, P.E.I.: July 1903
Description: This is Page 4 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. The map shows the area from Sidney Street to the waterfront, between… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910-08, 1917-07 (year and month uncertain)
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Charlottetown, P.E.I.: July 1917. Reprinted
Description: This is Page 5 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It shows the area from Kent Street to Sidney Street, between Rochford and Queen streets. The map shows numbered city blocks and the… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1917-07
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Charlottetown, P.E.I.: July 1903.
Description: This is Page 6 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. The map shows the area from Kent Street to Sidney Street, between Queen… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910-08, 1917-07 (year and month uncertain)
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Charlottetown, P.E.I.: July 1903.
Description: This is Page 7 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. The map shows the area from Kent Street to Sidney Street, between Prince… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910-08, 1917-07 (year and month uncertain)
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Charlottetown, P.E.I.: July 1903
Description: This is Page 8 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows the area from Churchill Avenue and Chestnut Street to Kent… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910-08, 1917-07 (year and month uncertain)
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Charlottetown, P.E.I.: July 1903.
Description: This is Page 9 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows the area from Passmore Street to Kent Street, between Queen and… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910-08, 1917-07 (year and month uncertain)
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Charlottetown P.E.I.: July 1903
Description: This is Page 10 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows the area from just north of Euston Street, south to Kent… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910-08, 1917-07 (year and month uncertain)
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Charlottetown P.E.I.: July 1917. Reprinted
Description: This item, Page 11 of 20 pages of fire insurance plans of Charlottetown, consists of two (2) maps. The main map shows the area from Green Street to Brighton Road, between Greenfield Avenue (Second)… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1917-07
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Charlottetown P.E.I.: July, 1903.
Description: This is Page 12 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows the area from Douglas Street to Churchill Avenue and Chestnut… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910-08, 1917-07 (year and month uncertain)
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Charlottetown P.E.I.: July, 1903.
Description: This is Page 13 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows the area bounded by Connolly Street in the north, Elm Avenue/… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910-08, 1917-07 (year and month uncertain)
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Charlottetown P.E.I.: July, 1903.
Description: This is Page 14 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It shows the area from Allan (Allen) Street, in the north, to (… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910-08, 1917-07 (year and month uncertain)
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Charlottetown, P.E.I.: July, 1903.
Description: This is Page 15 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. The map shows part of the eastern portion of early twentieth-century… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910-08, 1917-07 (year and month uncertain)
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Charlottetown P.E.I.: July 1903
Description: This is Page 16 of 20 pages of fire insurance maps of Charlottetown. It was created in 1903 and revised to either 1910 or 1917. It contains two (2) maps, showing two (2) different areas of the city.… more
Publisher: Chas. E. Goad, Civil Engineer
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: fire insurance maps
Date Created: 1903-07
Date Modified: 1910-08, 1917-07 (year and month uncertain)
Date Issued (Source): 1888
Plan of Alberton: Surveyed by John Ball, Land Surveyor
Description: Plan of part of Alberton, Lot 4. Shows names of residents and land conveyance references, bodies of water such as bays, and creeks, and roads.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1871-08
Plan of Georgetown, Georgetown Common, and Georgetown Royalty
Description: Plan of Georgetown, Georgetown Common, and Georgetown Royalty. Shows lot numbers. Gives names of a few residents in the Royalty. Also gives nautical soundings for Albion Bay and Brudenell River.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1828
Map of Lot Forty-Eight: J.H. Meachams and Co. Atlas
Description: Map of Lot 48. Draft for Meacham's Atlas. Also includes inset map of Southport or Stratford (scale: 6 chains/inch). Shows the Charlottetown Royalty, bodies of water such as rivers, and lakes,… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of Murray River Lot 63: North of the River
Description: Plan of part of Murray River, Lot No.63. Area north of the River and west of Main Street. The map shows residents, lots, acreage, roads, towns, and a nautical compass.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1958
Plan showing the situation of the line of road from Melville Road to Appin Road also the connecting…
Description: Plan showing the situation of the line of road from Melville Road to Appin Road; also, the connecting road leading to Crapaud Wharf. Roads pass through Lots 29 and 30. (No.15, Queen's). Shown… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1868-06-08
Profiles and plans of roads from Southport
Description: Profiles and plans of roads from Southport. (No.10) The map shows roads, lots, residents, and acreage.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
A Plan of Land on Lot or Township No. 17 in Prince County, P. E. Island
Description: A plan of part of Lot 17, the property of J. Weatherbe, Summerside. (No.11). Shown are lots, residents, measurements and roads.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1857-06
Plan of A Tract of Land situate in Summerside P.E.Island, in the possesion of Mr. Jesse Green, laid…
Description: Plan of a tract of land situated in Summerside and laid off in pasture lots. The property of Mr. Jesse Green. The map shows lots, residents, roads, and acreage.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1877-04-24
Plan of part of Lot 28, showing the property of William Carruthers bordering on Borden Harbour.
Description: Plan of part of Lot 28, showing the property of William Carruthers bordering on Borden Harbour. The map shows lots, residents, water, and roads.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of Shore and Land connected with The Beach Fishery Station Murray Harbour: The Property of Hon…
Description: Plan of part of Lot 64. The shore and land connected with the Beach Fishery Station, Murray Harbour. The property of the Hon. David Davies. The map shows lots, residents, bodies of water, and roads.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1872-10-29
A Plan of Souris Beach
Description: Plan of part of Lots 44 and 45, Souris Beach. The map shows dry spots at low water, lots, and residents.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1866