Title Proper |
This is the Plan of Township No. 24 in Prince Edward Island
Description |
Plan of Lot 24 showing the division of the Winsloe Estate. Shows names of residents and acreage, bodies of water such as gulfs, bays, creeks, rivers, sand hills, Rustico or Peter's Island and roads.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Surveyor: Cundall, H. J. (?)
Details |
Plan of Lot 24 showing the division of the Winsloe Estate. Shows names of residents and acreage, bodies of water such as gulfs, bays, creeks, rivers, sand hills, Rustico or Peter's Island and roads.
Names Present on Map |
Thomas Dark, Edward Johnston, John Dark, James McDuff, Francis McDuff, William Dark, James Ford, William Ford, Ms. Hooper, Samuel Boundy, Robert Seaman, William Seaman, John Wicken, Donald McDonald, James Campbell, John Bertram, Alex Stewart, John McInnis, Murdock MacLeod, Ms. Peardon, Ms Cole, John Ford, Edward Ford, William Ford, James Andrews, John Andrews, Mr Lewis, Alexander Stewart, Peter Wilson, Alexander McKinnon, John McLeod, John Campbell, Alexander Campbell, Roderick McLeod, Donald Stewart, Farquhar McLure, George Rodd, John Chandler, Patrick Brian, John Sanders, James Bassett, John Neil, James Duffy, Edward Duffy, Henry Neil, Elair Peters, Finlay McInnis, Joseph Gaudet, Thomas Hooper, L. Buchanan, John French, Hector McMillan, John McRae, George Hooper, Josh Gallant, Andrew Gallant, P. Doucette, Mrs. Pembroke, Christopher Gallant, Elias Roberts, Thomas Hart, John Clary, William Stead, Henry Green, James Green, Malcolm McDonald, Alexis Doirant, Lazare Doirant, Matthias DeRoche, Daniel McLeod, Elair Gallant, Fabien Doucette, James McGregor, Joseph Gallant, Mary Gallant, Thomas Peters, Michael Costello, Donald Matthewson, Angus McDonald, Lawrence Doucette, Lazarus Gallant, Peter Gallant, Andrew Martin, Alexander McDonald, Duncan McRae, John Mooney, Mrs. Hughes, John White, Jerome Delany, John Barratt, William Barratt, John Ling, Robert Stephenson, John Winsloe, Benjamin Barratt, Francis Gallant, Bruno Marlin, Mrs. Murphy, Thomas Inch, I. Whitlock, M. Blanchard, Donald MacKenzie, John Watkins, John Chandler, Thomas Chandler, Alfred Winsloe, John Duncan, Andrew Gregor, James Duncan, Stephen Martin, Josh Martin, John Buntain, Fidel Gallant, Joseph Doucette, Sylvest Doirant, Joseph Doirant, Bruno Doucette, Thomas Gallant, D. McCormack, L. C. Gallant, P. Leclair, Leon Doucette, Fidmund Tombs, R. Stevenson, William Craswell, Charles Craswell, William Craswell Jr., Victor Gallant, Fabian Gallant, J. R. Bott, H. Winsloe, Sineon Gallant, Philip Goudin, Robert Buntain, Mrs John Park, Stephen Peters, Bellona Peters, Reney Doirant, Isaac Doucette, Thomas McNeil, Elisha Le Page, Fidel Doucette, Isadore Buot, Simon Peters, Sylvest Peters, Lawrence Martin, Sisszin and Isadore Peters, A. Doucette, Simon Pino, Joseph Le Clair, Mrs Robert Woolner, Mrs Chester Woolner, Xavier Doucette, Bernard Doirant, John Gallant, Peter Doirant, Abraham Doucette, Liam Gallant, William McLure, Isaac Court, George Court, John Luiard, William Houstin, Alexander Houstin, Dominique Peters, Andrew Doyle, L'Ainable Gallant, Francis Gallant, William McNeil, T. R. Williams, R. B. Morrison, Christie Blacher, Jeremiah Simpson, Ebenxer Marshall, W. B. Dean, Jordain Williams, Abraham Buskirk, William Arthur, Josh Rollingas, Peter Blackier, John Gotier, W. S. McNeil, Bellona Leclair, John Houstin, Joseph Blanchard, John Blackier.
Date Created |
13 March 1863
Extent |
1 map: col.; 48 x 138 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map on cloth backing. Very thin paper. Flaking and peeling in some areas.
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Subject (Topical) |