Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Plan "A" Part of Township No. 24: as divided amongst the children of the late Alfred…
Description: Plan "A" part of Lot 24 as divided amongst the children of the late Alfred Winsloe (No.64). Shows names of residents and acreage, bodies of water such as rivers, creeks, roads, and a… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1872-06-11
This is the Plan of Township No. 24 in Prince Edward Island
Description: Plan of Lot 24 showing the division of the Winsloe Estate. Shows names of residents and acreage, bodies of water such as gulfs, bays, creeks, rivers, sand hills, Rustico or Peter's Island and… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1863-03-13
Plan of Township No. 24 in Prince Edward Island
Description: Plan of Lot 24. Smith Estate. Mainly outline but shows a few residents and acreage, bodies of water such as rivers, gulfs, bays and creeks, roads, sand hills, and Rustico or Peter's Island. more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of the property of Mrs W.L. Smith : Situate on Township No. 24 in Prince Edward Island, Mrs L…
Description: Plan of the property of Mrs W.S. Smith. Situated on Lot 24. The maps shows bodies of water such as rivers and creeks, Rustico Island, roads, and a nautical compass.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of Township No. 24 Situate in Grenville Parish. Queen's County. P.E.Island.: Complied…
Description: Plan of Lot 21 situate in Grenville Parish (No.54). Compiled from actual surveys. Cunard Estate. Shows names of residents and acreage, bodies of water such as gulfs, rivers, and creeks, roads, and a… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1844
Plan of Township No. 20
Description: Plan of the western moiety of Lot 20 (No.50). Copy of the plan deposited by vendors of the Cunard Estate. The map also shows bodies of water such as rivers, creeks, and ponds, and roads.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Eastern Moiety of Township No. 20
Description: Plan of the eastern moiety of Lot 20. Color code shows property of William Cundall, Louisa Montgomery, Eliza M. Cundall and Henry J. Cundall. Cundall Estate (No.51). Shows names of residents and… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps