May, Thomas W.

Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
Plan of Lot 9 compiled from the proprietors plans and the descriptions in the leases and deeds, with additions and corrections from the various surveys. The map shows Lot 9 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, their acreage amounts and land conveyance references handwritten in black and red ink. Shows the P.E.I. Railway in red, roads in brown. Bodies of water, which include Egmont Bay and the Brae River, are coloured blue. Compass rose with north and magnetic north arrows with variation for 1764.
Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
Plan of Lot 14 compiled from the proprietors' plans and Meacham's Atlas, and from the descriptions in leases and deeds, with additions and corrections from the reports of various surveys on file in the Land Office up to A.D. 1914. Color code shows land that became freehold under the proprietor, and land purchased from the Government. The map shows bodies of water including, Ellis (or Grand) Rive, Cross River, and Trout River, roads, railroads, and a compass rose showing north.
Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
Plan of Lot 31 compiled from the Proprietors' plans and Meacham's Atlas and from the descriptions in leases and registered deeds, with additions and corrections from various surveys made previous to 1917. Color code denotes freehold land and land conveyed to the Government. The map also shows bodies of water such as rivers and creeks, roads, and two nautical compass (Magnetic North).
Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
The map shows Lot 32 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, acreage amounts and land conveyance references. Areas drawn in black indicate government land; areas in red indicate freehold land or squatters' possession. The map shows the P.E.I. Railway in red, roads in light brown. Bodies of water, which include the West (or Elliot) River and North (or York) River, are coloured blue. Sandy areas are shown with stippling. Compass roses with north and magnetic north arrows with variation for 1764.
Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
Plan of Lot 55 compiled from the plans on file in the Land and Registry Offices, from the descriptions in the registered Grants and from Meacham's Atlas. Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references, division lines between Townships, roads, rivers, bays, and Boughton Islands.
Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
Plan of Lot 58 compiled from the proprietors' plans and Meacham's Atlas and from the descriptions in leases and registered deeds with additions and corrections from various surveys made previous to 1916. Color code shows land that became freehold under the proprietor, and land leased by the proprietor and purchased from the Government. Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references, bodies of water such as Orwell Bay, Pinnett River, Prim Islands, and roads.
Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
Plan of Lot 59 compiled from the proprietors' plans, descriptions in leases and registered deeds, and from Meacham's Atlas with additions and corrections from surveys made at various times up to the year 1921. Color code denotes Government land and freehold land. Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references, bodies of water such as the Montague River, Cardigan Bay and Gerogetown Harbour, and roads.
Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
Plan of an approximate correction of the Junction of the Maitland Road with the Murray Harbour Road as sketched in sundry plans by the late Roderick Campbell... and as measured on the ground on the 9th Sept., 1921, by Thomas W. May. The map shows landowners and acreage and division lines.
Surveyor: Ball, John
Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
Plan showing the situation of part of the Estate of the late Owen Connolly in Charlottetown Common and Royalty. Created by John Ball, surveyor, and copied by Thomas W. May. The map shows Malpeque Road, streets, lots, acreage, and buildings.