May, Thomas W.

The map shows Lot 6 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, their acreage amounts and land conveyance references handwritten in black and red ink. Shows the P.E.I. Railway in red, roads in light brown. Bodies of water, which include Cascumpec Bay, the Foxley River, Trout River and Oyster River, are coloured blue. Compass rose with north and magnetic north arrows with variation for 1764.
Plan of Lot 5 compiled from plans, leases, deeds, and other documents on file in the Land Office. The map shows Lot 5 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, their acreage amounts and land conveyance references handwritten in black and red ink. Shows the P.E.I. Railway in red, roads in light brown. Bodies of water, which include Cascumpec Harbour, the Dock River, Hill's River and Mill River, are coloured blue, with some darker shading that may indicate depths. Dams on rivers are shown. Sand bars are shown with stippling. Compass roses with north and magnetic north arrows with variation for 1764 and 1911.
Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
The map shows Lot 64 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, their acreage amounts and land conveyence references. Land information written in black indicates government land; information in red indicates freehold land. The map also includes parts of the adjacent lots 62 and 63. The map shows roads, coloured brown, and the Murray Harbour Railway branch, coloured red. It shows the Murray Islands. Sandy areas are indicated by black stippling. Bodies of water--including the Gulf of St. Lawrence, South River, Fox River, Murray River and McLure's Mill Pond--are coloured blue. Depths are shown with soundings. The map has two compasses with arrows showing true north and the magnetic north varation for 1764. Decorative hand-lettered title.
Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
Plan of Lot 63 compiled from the proprietors' plans, descriptions in leases and registered deeds, and from Meacham's Atlas, with additions and corrections from surveys made at various times up to the year A.D. 1919. The map also shows bodies of water such as Gulf of St. Lawrence, Murray River, coves Murray Islands, roads, and a nautical compass pointing to True North.
Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
Plan of Lot 48 compiled during the year 1915 from plans on file in the Land Office and Registry Office and from the chart of Charlottetown Harbour supplemented by the descriptions in the leases and registered deeds. The map also shows bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, creeks, and ponds, harbours, roads, railways, and a nautical compass pointing True North.
Cartographer: May, Thomas W.
The map shows Lot 4 divided into parcels of land with the names of residents, their acreage amounts and land conveyance references. The map shows roads in a light brown colour. It shows the P.E.I. Railway as a red line. Bodies of water--including the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Mill's River, the Dock River, Kildare River and Huntley River--are coloured blue. Sandy areas are shown with stippling. The map has two compass roses with arrows showing true north and the magnetic north variation for 1764.
Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
Part of Lot 39. Plan of the estates of the late Angus McDonald and James McDonald at Springfield. Also the subdivisions of the same as agreed upon at the time of survey. The map shows lots, residents, acreage, roads, and bodies of water.
Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
Plan of Lot 5 compiled from plans, leases, deeds, and other documents on file in the Land Office. The map shows Lot 5 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, their acreage amounts and land conveyance references handwritten in black and red ink. Shows the P.E.I. Railway in red, roads in light brown. Bodies of water, which include Cascumpec Harbour, the Dock River, Hill's River and Mill River, are coloured blue, with some darker shading that may indicate depths. Dams on rivers are shown. Sand bars are shown with stippling. Compass roses with north and magnetic north arrows with variation for 1764 and 1911.
Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
The map shows Lot 6 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, their acreage amounts and land conveyance references handwritten in black and red ink. Shows the P.E.I. Railway in red, roads in light brown. Bodies of water, which include Cascumpec Bay, the Foxley River, Trout River and Oyster River, are coloured blue. Compass rose with north and magnetic north arrows with variation for 1764.