Ball, John

Surveyor: Ball, John
Plan of part of Town Lots Nos. 54 and 55, and Nos. 91 and 92 in the 2nd Hundred of Town Lots in Charlottetown agreeably to the possession of the Misses Stewart according to the original survey of the same showing the position of the respective portions sold as part of the estate of the said Misses Stewart at public auction, July 19, 1860 by Wm. Dodd, Auctioneer. The map shows lots, streets, residents, and acreage.
Cartographer: MacKinlay, Thomas
Surveyor: Ball, John
Surveyor: Cundall, H. J.
Plan of Town Lots at Cascumpec Point, Lot 5. The map shows Cascumpec Point divided into parcels of land (most of them numbered) with names of residents. Shows land belonging to J. C. Pope outlined in yellow. Shows streets and street names, public squares, railway line and wharves. Bodies of water (Cascumpec Harbour and Dock Creek) are outlined in blue. Marsh areas are shown in green. Bar scale in chains. Compass rose with magnetic north arrow showing variation for 1764.
Plan of Ardgowan Estate in the Royalty of Charlottetown as sold by auction, 26th June, 1879. Property of the Hon. J.C. Pope. (No.392). The map shows roads such as St. Peters, Confederation, lots, acreage, and landowners. Back of map: Plan of Ardgowan Estate Charlottetown by John Ball L. S. 1879. No. 392 "Ardgowan Estate" in Charlottetown Royalty owned by the Hon. J. C. Pope, and surveyed by John Ball, L. S. in June 1879 William Dodd, Charles Palmer, [H.J. Cundall], Francis Bell, James Reddin, Joseph Prouse, William Prouse, Eustace Haviland, John McLeod, Thomas Cook, C.J. Haszard, Patrick Berrigan, J.H. Haviland, R.R. Fitzgerald, John Harley, [D. Farguharson], John Harley, J. Longworth, John Ball