Wright, G.

Surveyor: Wright, G.
Plan of part of Lot 37 (No. 8). 150 acres of land, the property of John Stowe. The map shows a parcel of land, approximately 150 acres in size, outlined in yellow, on the north side of the Hillsborough River in Lot 37. Some residents' names are given. The map shows the French Marsh, some of which is included in the featured parcel. Marshland is coloured green with shading. French Creek and the river are coloured blue. The map also shows a mill dam on French Creek; a road to the ferry; an area covered with rushes, denoted by markings; and an island in the marsh identified as Pig Island. North arrow.
Surveyor: Wright, G.
Plan of the line dividing Kings and Queens Counties in Prince Edward Island as established by the Commissioners under the provisions of the Act 4th: William 4th: Cap. 15 (No. 80). The map shows the boundary line between Queens and Kings counties. It indicates locations of survey markers along the line--including stones, posts, burned stumps and trees--which were marked with the initials Q. C. and/or K. C. The tree markers are indicated by small drawings. Labels indicate swampland and different types of forest along the boundary. The boundary is marked off in miles. The map shows portions of roads, creeks and springs that cross the boundary. The bridge at Mount Stewart is shown. Only 4 residents' names are given, all near the Mount Stewart and St. Andrews areas. Bodies of water, which include the Northumberland Strait, Hillsborough River and Gulf of St. Lawrence are coloured blue. Compass rose with north and magnetic north arrows.
Cartographer: Wright, G.
Cartographer: Ball, J.
Plan of the division line between Queens and Prince Counties and the southern boundary of Lot 25 established by the Commissioners under the Boundary Line Act. Certified copy by G. Wright of 1835 plan created by surveyor J. Ball. The map shows the boundary line between Prince and Queens counties and also the southern boundary of Lot 25 (perpendicular to the county line). The boundaries are marked off in miles. The map shows portions of roads, creeks and springs that cross the boundaries. Types of forest or land cover are labelled. The plan indicates locations of some square posts used for survey markers. Bodies of water, which include the Northumberland Strait, the Westmoreland River, the Stanley River and the Gulf of St. Lawrence are coloured green/blue. North and magnetic north arrows.