Title Proper |
Plan of Township No. 16 in Prince Edward Island
Subtitle |
The Estate of Laurence Sulivan Esq., Dept. Sect. at War
Description |
Plan of Lot 16, the estate of Lawrence Sullivan, Esq. Copied by Geo. Wright from a plan by James(?).
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Cartographer: Wright, G.
Details |
Map shows sub-lots with names of landowners or occupants and their corresponding numbers of acres handwritten in black, red ink and pencil. Some land parcels are outlined in pink or green. Roads shown in yellow. Water features, which include Richmond Bay and the Ellis River, are outlined in blue. A ferry crossing is shown connecting to a road to Port Hill. A large, mostly empty area near the middle of the lot is marked "Loyalist Land" with some names pencilled in.
Names Present on Map |
Thomas Arsenault, Avit Arsenault, Melaim Arsenault, Prospere Arsenault, Francis Arsenault, Stephen Elair Arsenault, Dominique Gallant, Elise Arsenault, Eusebe Arsenault, Francis M. Gallant, Edilbal Perry, Dennis Arsenault, Clements Gallant, Ralph B. Arsenault, Joseph Placide Arsenault, Moses Perry, Bertholomay Arsenault, Sylvester LeClair, Phylias LeClair, Peter LeClair, Joseph Gallant, Joseph O. Arsenault, Sylvain Q. Gallant, Christian Arsenault, Thomas E. Ramsay, Harret Arsenault, Oscas Arsenault, Joseph LeClere [Joseph LeClair], Morris Foran, Dennis Hogan, William Eloxander L. [William Alexander L.], Peter Clements, John Barlow, Thomas Bishop, John Bulger, Hugh Gillies, William Campbell, David Cameron, D. McAustin, James Alexander, James O'Connell, John Lefurgey, Neil McNeil [Neil McNeill], Donald McNeill, John McLeod, [William Richards], John Eyre [John Ayres], Jacob L. Goudein [Jacob L. Goodwin], Ronald Campbell, Mathew Welsh, Nicholas Kent, Alexander H. Allen, Ronald Cameron, Michael Malone, Benjamin Farrow, Hugh Gillis, L. Catherine Larrisey, Michael Larrisey, William McDonald, John Larrisay [John Larrisey], Garret Hendricken, Dougald Currie, Donald Currie, John Thornton Esq., Patrick Ayres, James Currie, Alexander Cameron, Donald Cameron, Angus P. Cameron, Valentine Cameron, James D. Cameron, James Cameron, Matthias Cameron, John Albion McDonald, James McDonald, Donald McDonald, Paul Thompson Jr., Raneld Cameron, Timothy McNeill, Stephen S. Cameron, Peter Cameron, George Cameron, Edward Birch, Neil Sinclair, William Stewart, Sylvain Gallant, Bruno Perry, John Perry, Joshua Gallant, John Arsenault (Hypolite), Joseph Clark, L'Amable Gallant, John Peter Gallant, Hypolite Gallant, R. Bruce Barlow, Joseph E. Arsenault, Joseph Perry, Frederic Gay, Christian Gay, Stephen McNeill, Damien McNeill, John Cotton, William L. Cotton, Thomas Charles Yeo, Samuel Yeo, Richard Yeo, Richard Cotton, Neil Gillis, Henry Yeo, John W. Raynor, Hubert S. Sharp, Honore V. DesRoches, William Baglole, James Brown, Alexander McNeill, Joseph Cameron, Barbanabas Cameron, Peter McGregor, Fred. O'Brine, Samuel McFadyen, Allan McLean, John McLean, Roderick McDean, William McLean, Donald Capbell, Mary Ann Baglole, John Andrew McNeill, James O. Baglole, John Malcolm, Allan Malcolm, Charles Smith, Henry Barlow, James McPhee, Edward McNeill, Donald McKinnon, A. J. McCormack, J. Dixon, Charles McKinnon, D. N. Forbes, Colin McKinnon, Alexander Roderick McLean, John E. Yeo, Robert Yeo, Peroy Miller, Edward Ramsay, Alexander Grossman, Hector McLean, Donald McLean, R. W. McLean, Kenneth McNeill, John McLaughlin, Alexander Miller, Donald Campbell, Archibald Campbell, David Frazier [David Fraser], Samuel Rodd, John Leckie, Patrick Connor, Alexander Ramsay, John McCallum, Hubert Lyle, James Lyle, G. H. Large, Michael Long, Donald Hutchinson, William Hutchinson, James Hutchinson, Nicholas Power, David Power, David Lecky, J. Clays Samuel, Alexander McKay, James Simmons, Willia McKeown, James McArthur, Robert Kirk, Alexander Campbell, James O'Farrell, Lawrence O'Farrell, John O. Farrell, Alexander McDonald, George Symonds [George Dyment], Thomas Lauchlin [Thomas Lachlan], Edward Loughlin [Edward Lachlan], Arthur Ramsay, Hugh Carr, John Perkins, Mary Fraser, John Jordim, John Best, Allan Fraser, John Finnan, Allan Fraser Jr., George Robinson, James Campbell, John McDougald [John McDougall], James W. Simpson, Jeremiah Simpson, Andrew Campbell, Donald Fraser, George Wright, Belloni Gallant, Alexander Waugh, Daniel Lyle, Samuel Simpson, Simon Fraser, Donald Rochfort, Edith Yeo, John Rochfort, William Rochfort, James Ramsey, Montague Gardner, Patrick Daley, John Clark, Donald McLeod, Horton Grossman, R. McLarren.
Date Created |
Extent |
1 map: col.; 129.5 x 53.5 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map on cloth. Cracking, both paper and cloth torn in places. Pieces of the paper map have come off the cloth and are missing; some data is missing as a result.
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Subject (Topical) |