Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
A Plan of the undisposed of Part, of Lot No. 38 in Queens County in Prince Edward Island
Description: A plan of the undisposed part of Lot 58 (No.154). Shows residents, lots, roads, and water. Surveyed by Rod'k Campbell. more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1860
Township No. Fiftyfour. St. Georges Parish. Kings County. Prince Edward Island.: Chiefly from…
Description: Plan of Lot 54 (No.145). Shows names of residents, acreage, and some land conveyance references. Copied by H.J. Cundall. Certified plan. The map also shows bodies of water such as rivers (Cardigan),… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of Township No. 54: Chiefly from Surveys by Geo. Wright and Rodk. Campbell copied By Owen…
Description: Plan of Lot 54, chiefly from surveys by Geo. Wright and Rod'k Campbell. Copied by Owen Curtis, 1877. Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references, roads, bodies of water,… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1877
Plan of Lot or Township No. 58: Copied from Surveys of Rodk. Campbell. L. S. by Owen Curtis. L. S.
Description: Plan of Lot 58 (No.155). Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references. Surveyed by Rod'k Campbell and copied by Owen Curtis. The map shows roads, and bodies of water such as… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
A Plan of the undisposed of Parts of Lot No. 62 in Queens County in Prince Edward Island by Rodk.…
Description: A plan of the undisposed part of Lot 62. Selkirk Estate (No.164). Shows names of residents and acreage.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1860
A Plan of the undisposed of Parts of Lot No. 60 in Queens County in Prince Edward Island by Rodk.…
Description: A plan of the undisposed parts of Lot 60. Code indicates tracts of land sold and tracts of land without lease. Shows names of residents and acreage. Surveyed by Rod'k Campbell. A nautical… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1860
A Plan of the undisposed part of 1/3 of Lot No. 59 Kings County in Prince Edward Island belonging…
Description: A plan of the undisposed part of Lot 59 belonging to the Earl of Selkirk (No.158). Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references. Surveyed by Rod'k Campbell.The map shows… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
A Plan of the undisposed of Parts of Lot No. 57: in Queens County in Prince Edward Island
Description: A plan of the undisposed of parts of Lot 57. Surveyed by Rod'k Campbell. The map shows parcels of land with names of owners or occupants and their corresponding acreage amounts handwritten in… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1860