Title Proper |
A Plan of the undisposed of Parts of Lot No. 57
Subtitle |
in Queens County in Prince Edward Island
Description |
A plan of the undisposed of parts of Lot 57. Surveyed by Rod'k Campbell. The map shows parcels of land with names of owners or occupants and their corresponding acreage amounts handwritten in ink or pencil. Some parcels were outlined in a brown colour of ink. Roads are shown and were coloured. New Town River was coloured blue. Compass rose with rhumb lines and magnetic north arrows showing variations for 1764 and 1860.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Surveyor: Campbell, R.
Details |
The map shows parcels of land with names of owners or occupants and their corresponding acreage amounts handwritten in ink or pencil. Some parcels were outlined in a brown colour of ink. Roads are shown and were coloured. New Town River was coloured blue. Compass rose with rhumb lines and magnetic north arrows showing variations for 1764 and 1860.
Names Present on Map |
Alexander MacLean, Alexander Nicholson, John MacDonald, [Samuel Martin], Angus Martin, William MacLeod, John Martin, Donald MacLeod, William Gillis, Alexander Doyle, Alexander Doyle, Malcolm Bruce, John MacPherson, [Murdock Beaton], [Robert MacLeod], Murdoch MacKenzie, Hector MacDonald, Alexander MacPherson, Allan MacDonald, Peggy Graham, [Kenneth MacKenzie], [Malcolm MacLeau], James MacPherson, John MacKenzie, Hugh MacDonald, [Charles Henderson], John Emman, Alexander MacDonald, Charles MacDonald, Malcolm Matheson, Donald MacDonald, Alexander MacKenzie, Angus Gillis, George Proctor, Neil MacPherson, John MacPhee, Malcolm MacPherson, [Alexander Stewart], Donald Ross, Angus MacDonald, Donald MacKay, Murdoch Beaton, Roderick MacLeod, Donald Bruce, Archibald Matheson, Richard Carver, [Neil Matheson], Norman Matheson, Charles MacLeod, Alexander MacLeod, John MacLeod, Alexander Martin, Angus MacLeod, [Malcolm Montgomery], Duncan MacDonald, William Graham, William MacPherson, Patrick Gillis,[Archibal Herrington], [Duncan Henderson], [Angus Bruce], Malcolm MacDonald, Patrick Power, John Power, William MacKay, John Kelly, [John Richard], James Kelly, William MacPhail, Duncan Cody, Richard Gill, Edward Morrisey, Richard Carson, Donald Morrisey, Patrick Kelly, James Kelly, [Michael Murdoch], John Cody, John Connolly, John Calaghan, Michael Calaghan, Thomas Morrisey, George MacPherson, Alexander Anderson, [Alexander Gillis], Charles Gillis, Phillip Rooney, [Patrick MacKearney], James Burns, Daniel Mooney, John Clarke, Edmund Hughes, James O'Connell, Patrick O'Connell, [John Whelan], [Edward Roach], John Callaghan, John Phee, [Martin Farrell], [John Farrell], John O'Connell, John Nelson, [Peter MacCarran], [William Bulger], James O'Brian, Martin Brian, [Patrick MacTavish], [Archibald MacTavish], [Donald Campbell], John Malcolm Buchanan.
Date Created |
Extent |
1 map: col.; 82 x 62 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map on cloth. Paper is cracked over entire map and peeling away from the cloth in places. Pieces of the map have come off and are missing, resulting in some lost data. Discolouration/darkening.
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Geographic - City | |
Subject (Topical) |