Title Proper |
A Plan of the undisposed of Parts of Lot No. 60 in Queens County in Prince Edward Island by Rodk. Campbell Land Survy.
Description |
A plan of the undisposed parts of Lot 60. Code indicates tracts of land sold and tracts of land without lease. Shows names of residents and acreage. Surveyed by Rod'k Campbell. A nautical compass pointing North.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Surveyor: Campbell, R.
Details |
A plan of the undisposed parts of Lot 60. Code indicates tracts of land sold and tracts of land without lease. Shows names of residents and acreage. Surveyed by Rod'k Campbell. A nautical compass pointing North.
Names Present on Map |
Hector Morrison, Neil Nicholson, Angus MacPherson, John Gillis, Angus MacLeod, James MacLeod, [James MacRae], Donald Gillis, Donald Ross, [Allan MacDonald], Murdoch Gillis, John McPherson, John MacPhail, Allan MacDougal, H. Ross, John MacLeod, Donald MacLeod, John MacLean, Malcolm MacLeod, John Gilmore, Alexander MacDonald, Angus Beaton, Donald Beaton, Donald Bell, William Ross, Archibald Blue, Ebenezer Beaton, Angus MacKenzie, Collin MacKenzie, John MacKenzie, Alexander Gillis, Donald MacKenzie, Roderick MacKenzie, Murdoch MacLeod, Roderick MacRae, [Catherine MacLellan], Allan G. MacLeod, [John MacLellan], Angus MacLean, Alexander MacKenzie, John Gilmore, Alexander Beaton, John MacDonald, Murdoch MachLean, Roderick MacLean, Alexander Martin, John Gillis, Hector MacKenzie, Murdoch MacKenzie, [John Balderson], Alexander MacPherson, Malcolm MacLean, Murdoch Matheson, Angus Stewart, Alexander Stewart, William Walsh, John Morrisey, John Shea, James Shea, [William Buchanan], [James Brennan], [Patrick Brennan], [Patrick Connolly], [Maria O'Connell], Kenneth MacKenzie, James MacKenzie, Donald Matheson, Ch. Stewart, James MacLean, Murdoch MacRae, [Roderick Stewart], [H. Rodd], John Gillis, Alexander MacLean, James Gillis, William MacKenzie, Ann Matheson, Duncan Matheson, William Cody, Charles Callaghan, William Rice, Francis Dougherty, Patrick Shea, William Callaghan, John Ambrose Callaghan, Daniel Mooney, [John Michael], Allen MacLeod, Duncan MacLeod, John Stewart, Roderick Matheson, John MacPherson, Donald MacPherson, John Docherty, John MacInnis, Widow Compton, John Dougherty, Widow Donald, Duncan MacLean, [James MacKinnon], Donald MacLean, Jonathan MacDonald, Ann MacLean, Kenneth MacAulay, Norman Matheson, Roderick Beaton, Alexander MacLeod, Norman MacKenzie, Allan Morrisey, [Norris Gillis], William Matheson, John MacPhee, John Nicholson, Malcolm Stewart, [Catherine Stewart], Hugh MacPhee, Angus MacDonald, Charles Stewart, James Nicholson, Murdoch MacLean, Donald MacRae, George MacPherson.
Date Created |
Extent |
1 map: col.; 107 x 64 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map on cloth backing. The paper is wrinkled (cockled?) and is cracking and peeling away from the cloth. Some pieces of the paper map are missing, especially at the right edge, resulting in loss of data. A joint or seam across the map causes a sharp bend. Local discolouration.
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Subject (Topical) |