Title Proper |
Plan of Township No. 59
Subtitle |
Compiled from the proprietors plans, descriptions in leases and registered deeds, and from Meacham's Atlas, with additions and corrections from surveys made at various times up to the year 1921
Description |
Plan of Lot 59 compiled from the proprietors' plans, descriptions in leases and registered deeds, and from Meacham's Atlas with additions and corrections from surveys made at various times up to the year 1921. Color code denotes Government land and freehold land. Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references, bodies of water such as the Montague River, Cardigan Bay and Gerogetown Harbour, and roads.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Surveyor: May, Thomas W.
Details |
Plan of Lot 59 compiled from the proprietors' plans, descriptions in leases and registered deeds, and from Meacham's Atlas with additions and corrections from surveys made at various times up to the year 1921. Color code denotes Government land and freehold land. Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references, bodies of water such as the Montague River, Cardigan Bay and Gerogetown Harbour, and roads.
Names Present on Map |
Angus Stewart, John Gordon, John McDonald, Ronald McDonald, Angus Martin, Malcolm Martin, Kenneth Martin, Hugh McDonald, Martin Martin, Donald McPhee, Mary McKinnon, John A. Matheson, Angus McKinnon, Murdock McPhee, Malcolm Matheson, John McLeod, Angus McPherson, John Bruce, George Forbes, Nichol McPherson, Robert Auld Hayden, Laughlan McPhee, Angus McPhee, Donald McIver, William McPhee, Hugh McPhee, John McPhee, Peter VanIderstine, Alexander M. L. Campbell, Donald S. Campbell, Roderick McBeath, Malcolm Stewart, Malcolm McInnis, Norman McPherson, Archibald Campbell, John Murdock, John Cameron, John McPherson, Archibald McDonald, John McKinnon, Malcolm McDonald, Lauchlan McKinnon, William McKinnon, George Belthune, Annie Belthune, Owen Campbell, Alexander McQueen, Donald Matheson, Donald Nicholson, Alexander Matheson, Neil McInnis, Malcolm McPherson, John McKay, Martin McGowan, John McKay, Hector McLennan, Donald McKenzie, Hector McLennan, Martin McInnis, Laughlin McInnis, Thomas Stewart, Roderick Fraser, Donald Beaton, Donald McDonald, Jessie Gordon, Murdock McLean, Duncan McLennan, Jonathan Beaton, John Nicholson, Kenneth Fraser, Robert Thompson, James Young, Angus Shaw, Donald McMillan, John Shaw, Donald McAulay, Malcolm McNeill, John Musick Junior, John R. Stewart, John Lewellyn, Malcolm Nicholson, J. McLeod, Angus Finlayson, A. Montgomery, R. Montgomery, John McHugh, James Keating, John Clark, George Thompson, Samuel Clark, George Moore, Samuel John McLaren, Joseph Wightman, Donald Suckles, Johnson Clarke, James Campbell, Johnston Clarke, John Fitzgerald, James Aitken, Daniel Suckles, Charles McKenzie, Samuel Sabine, William Johnstone, William Thompson, Henry Young, Duncan Fraser, Richard Westaway, Roger D. Westaway, Nathaniel Westaway, Andrew O'Connors, John Connors, John Collins, Thomas Kempt, William Young, Morgan Fraser, James Bearisto, Peter Cleary, H. Coombs, S. Parry, George Young, H. Connor, Andrew Connors, William O'Neill, James Creed, Andrew Bearisto, James Peake, William Thomson, R. Westaway, Joseph Clark, James B. Creed, William Creed, Geo. Wolfe, James McLeod, James Stewart, [Roderick McKearney], Murdock Matheson, Neil Matheson, Henry Matheson, Donald McLean, Donald McLeod, D. A. McKinnon, [A. F. Bruce], Neil McLean, John A. McLean, Alexander McLean, Daniel McLean, Elizabeth McLean, Albert Campbell, Malcolm McLeod, Angus McRae, Malcolm McPhee, Ronald Nicholson, Angus McLeod, Alexander Nicholson, Lauchlan A. McPhee, Alexander McPhee, Alexander M. L. Campbell, Swain Campbell, Donald S. Campbell, John McSwain, John Stewart, Donald Campbell, Alexander McDonald, Neil McDonald, Neil Bruce, Duncan Gillis, John Finlayson, John McQueen Junior, Donald Gillis, John Archibald Gillis, D. A. McKinnon, James Foster, Daniel Fraser, Alexander McLeod, Malcolm Gillis, John McKay, Donald McKay, Samuel McPherson, John Beaton, Peter Beaton, Alexander Beaton, Lauchlan Beaton, James Nicholson, Nichol Nicholson, Murdock N. Nicholson, Mary Nicholson, John McBeath, George Belthune, Archibald D. Nicholson, Michael McDonald, Murdock Bruce, Murdock Nicholson, Alexander Munro, William Munro, John Renton, Angus McDonald, James McDonald, James Musick, Margaret McLaughlan, John McMillan, George Moore, Paul Towan, Betsy Suckles, Frederick Suckles, Alexander Campbell, Murdock McLeod, Archibald McLeod, John McFarlane, Alexander McFarlane, [Robert Brockholes Thomas], Thomas Annear, Thomas Fitzgerald, John Aldous, Charles Stewart, Lemuel Philips, Andrew Young, John Poole Junior, John Poole, Peter Ross, Thomas Phillips, William Johnson, Sir Graham Montgomery, John Wightman, W. Nesbitt, Theophilus Aitken, William Montgomery, James Montgomery, Lemuel Poole, Dougall McCormick, Robert Montgomery, John Aitken, George Aitken, Donald Cameron, John Suckles, Allen McDonald, George Peters, Edward Thornton, Malcolm Bruce, Alexander Bruce, John Ross, George McKenzie, Peter McLeod, William McLeod, Neil McLeod, Peter McPherson, John Matheson, Alexander McPherson, Malcolm McInnis, Miles McInnis, James Evans, Samuel Nicholson, Archibald Nicholson, Peter McLean, Angus McIntosh, John D. Campbell, William Acorn, George Hicken, Charles Keith, Priscilla Emery, Duncan D. Campbell, Philip Bears, Margaret Bears, James W. McDonald, Duncan McDonald, James M. Aitken, Anthony Buchanan, Martin Lambert, John Lemon, John Knox, Charles M. Poole, Benjamin Aitken, Richard Lemon, James Robertson, Augustine McDonald, Joseph Kennedy, Charles Young, Peter Campbell, [Daniel Robert Dewan], Mungo Forbes, Alexander Forbes, John Dewan, Donald Dewan Senior, Donald Dewan, Joseph Thompson, William Brehaut, Augustine C. McDonald, Duncan Campbell, John McRae, James McFarlane, Lemuel Phillips, William Poole, William McLaren, Edward Marley, James Phillips, William Graham, Robert Cameron, David Hugh, Walter Peterson, Andrew McDonald, John B. Hewlett, John Cathcart, David Higgins, John Cathcart, Robert Cathcart, G. G. Montgomery, John P. Haywood.
Date Created |
March 1922
Extent |
1 map: col.; 125 x 52 cm.
Physical Description |
Map on drafting cloth.
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Subject (Topical) |