Title Proper |
Plan of Township No 63, St. Andrews Parish Kings County
Subtitle |
Prince Edward Island
Description |
Plan of Lot 63. Eastern part shows names of residents, lots, acreage, bodies of water such as rivers, and bays, and roads.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Surveyor: Gall, L. W.
Details |
Plan of Lot 63. Eastern part shows names of residents, lots, acreage, bodies of water such as rivers, and bays, and roads.
Names Present on Map |
Peter McKenzie, Donald McKenzie, Donald McQueen, Archibald Nicholson, Angus Nicholson, John Martin, Alexander Matherson, John McPherson, Robert Wood, Charles Noy, John Allis, Donald McLeod, Malcolm McLean, Andrew Millar, James Jenkins, Nicholas Jenkins, Malcolm Bethune [Malcolm Beaton], William McLean, Edward Gay, Robert Weatherbee [Robert Weatherby], Ephraim Jenkins, John Weatherbie [John Weatherby], John Wood, Thomas Jenkins, Thomas Brice Roberts, Richard Moore, David Shannon, Donald Singleton, William Johnstone, Christopher Johnstone, John W. Roberts, James Reid, Thomas Dodds, William Kennedy, Alexander McDonald, Henry Marquand, William Porter, Mungo Ferguson, Edward Chapman, Henry Chapman, Matthew Prosper, James Murray, Benjamin Clow, Duncan Stewart, John Lannigan, Margaret Dunn, Patrick Lannigan, Edward Welsh [Thomas Walsh], Owen Sullivan, Thomas Murphy, William Farrell, William Lannigan, James Clow, Walter Millar, Alexander Finlay, James Finlay, Thomas Irving, John Clow, Philip Mc'Anully [Philip Mc'Nally], David O'Connor, Martin Lannigan, Maurice Tobin, Thomas Brophy, Daniel Mc'Keeman, Patrick Farrell, John Reid, Michael Lannigan, John Graham, David Sencebaugh [David Sencabaugh], David McLure, F. Gilligan, Neil Campbell, James Graham, Benjamin Butler, Thomas Clow, Charles Richard, Thomas Henderson, William Clow, Andrew Kennedy, Hennry Dunn, John Dunn, Charles Dunn, Thomas Dunn, Daniel McHerron, William McHerren [William McHerron], John Chapman, Edward Thomas, Thomas Hewitt, Walter Miller [Walter Millar], Edward S. Butter, Philip Steele, John French, John Creed, John Creed Jr., Donald McDonald, William Dalziel, Alexander Lewellyn, John Sencebaugh [John Sencabaugh], Lauchlan McKeeman, William Hicken, Thomas Hicken, Samuel Lewellyn, John Lewellyn, Thomas Graham, Andrew McLure, William Graham, Alexander McKenzie, Samuel McKenzie, John McKay, John Dalziel, Gavin McLure, Daniel McKinnon, Peter McKenzie, Donald McKenzie, Donald McQueen, Archibald Nicholson, Angus Nicholson, John Martin, Alexander Matherson, John McPherson, Robert Wood, Charles Noy, John Allis, Donald McLeod, Malcolm McLean, Andrew Millar, James Jenkins, Nicholas Jenkins, Malcolm Bethune [Malcolm Beaton], William McLean, Edward Gay, Robert Weatherbee [Robert Weatherby], Ephraim Jenkins, John Weatherbie [John Weatherby], John Wood, Thomas Jenkins, Thomas Brice Roberts, Richard Moore, David Shannon, Donald Singleton, William Johnstone, Christopher Johnstone, John W. Roberts, James Reid, Thomas Dodds, William Kennedy, Alexander McDonald, Henry Marquand, William Porter, Mungo Ferguson, Edward Chapman, Henry Chapman, Matthew Prosper, James Murray, Benjamin Clow, Duncan Stewart, John Lannigan, Margaret Dunn, Patrick Lannigan, Edward Welsh [Thomas Walsh], Owen Sullivan, Thomas Murphy, William Farrell, William Lannigan, James Clow, Walter Millar, Alexander Finlay, James Finlay, Thomas Irving, John Clow, Philip Mc'Anully [Philip Mc'Nally], David O'Connor, Martin Lannigan, Maurice Tobin, Thomas Brophy, Daniel Mc'Keeman, Patrick Farrell, John Reid, Michael Lannigan, John Graham, David Sencebaugh [David Sencabaugh], David McLure, F. Gilligan, Neil Campbell, James Graham, Benjamin Butler, Thomas Clow, Charles Richard, Thomas Henderson, William Clow, Andrew Kennedy, Hennry Dunn, John Dunn, Charles Dunn, Thomas Dunn, Daniel McHerron, William McHerren [William McHerron], John Chapman, Edward Thomas, Thomas Hewitt, Walter Miller [Walter Millar], Edward S. Butter, Philip Steele, John French, John Creed, John Creed Jr., Donald McDonald, William Dalziel, Alexander Lewellyn, John Sencebaugh [John Sencabaugh], Lauchlan McKeeman, William Hicken, Thomas Hicken, Samuel Lewellyn, John Lewellyn, Thomas Graham, Andrew McLure, William Graham, Alexander McKenzie, Samuel McKenzie, John McKay, John Dalziel, Gavin McLure, Thomas Dunn Jr., John Condon, James McLure, William J. McLure, Peter Sandrican [Peter Hendricken], W. Irving, David Irving, Allan Reid, William Fairchild, James Peeke, George Birnie, John Roberts, Alexander Singleton, [James Livingstone], Cartney McLure.
Date Created |
Extent |
133 x 57.5 cm
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Subject (Topical) |