Title Proper |
Plan of 1390 Acres of Land part of Township No. 65
Subtitle |
The Property of the Honble. Samuel Cunard. Hillsborough Parish, Queen's County. P. E. Island
Description |
Plan of Lot 65 (No.178). Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references. Color code indicates freehold land and the estates of the Wrights, Cunard and Cumberland. Shows bodies of water, charts of Lot details, and a nautical compass.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Surveyor: Ball, Joseph
Cartographer: Gall, L. W.
Details |
Plan of Lot 65 (No.178). Shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references. Color code indicates freehold land and the estates of the Wrights, Cunard and Cumberland. Shows bodies of water, charts of Lot details, and a nautical compass.
Names Present on Map |
Patrick Clarkin, Thomas Murray, Murdock McLeod, John McKenzie, John Callaghan, James Clarkin, Francis McKenna, Michael Cody, William Cullen, William Pollard, Nicholas Barrigan, Joseph Murray, John McKenna, [John Murray], [Patrick McClosky], Patrick Wynne, Patrick Dougher, Patrick Curley, James Malone, John Malone, Patrick Malone, Francis Malone, John McQuade, Edward McQuade, Donald MacFadyen, John McGilvory, Neil McFadyen, Sarah McNeill, Donald McDonald, Reverend Malachi Reynolds, Peter Trainor, Thomas Pearce, James Beales, Robert Barry, Thomas Campbell, John Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Andrew Egan, Francis Trainor, Malcolm McArthur, Donald McArthur, Peter McArthur, John MacLean, Alexander McLean, David Lourie, Nicholas McNevin, John C. McEachern, Colin McDougall, Dougald McDougald, John MacSwaine, Donald MacLeod, Murdoch McLeod, Donald McFadyen, Lauchlin McKinnon, Finlay MacRae, John McKinnon, Donald McKinnon, Angus L. McKinnon, Dougald McDougall, John McKenzie, Neil MacLauchlan, Jessie McLauchlan, Jonathan MacLean, Duncan MacKinnon, James McKinnon, Duncan McCannel, John H. Morrow, John McEwen, Archibald Curry, Archibald Darrack, [Donald McNevin], John McEachern, Neil McLean, John A. McNeill, Alexander McFadyen, Peter McFadyen, Flora McFadyen, John McFadyen, Hector McFadyen, Alexander Blue, Samuel McEachern, Donald Farquharson, James MacNeill, Michael King, Lauchlan McKenzie, Hugh McLauchlan, Angus McLauchlan, Barbara McFadyen, Alexander C. Shaw, Archibald McPhail, Joseph Stretch, George McLeod, Glebe Land, Daniel Hodgson, Hugh McPhee, Thomas Oldfield, William MacEachern, John MacNeill, Daniel Kay MacNeill, Ewen McPhee, John Robertson, [James Darrish], Thomas Wright, Hugh McEachern, David McEwen, William Wilson, Charles McNeil, Donald McNeil, Alexander McNeil, Neil McLaren, James McEachern, Neil Bell, Malcolm McCannell, Angus McCannell, Neil McCannell, James H. Peters, James Curry, Alexander Mackenzie, Duncan Nicholson, John McLean, Thomas Wright, Neil McKenzie, Norman McKenzie, Neil Campbell, Neil McNevin, John McRae, Donald McRae, Thomas H. Gardin, Richard Drake, James Campbell, Neil McEachern, Henry Taylor, Allan McQuarrie, Hector McQuarrie, Donald McEachern, William Lowther, James Bradley, Hector McLean, Archibald B. McDonald, George Foster, W. Lowther, Gilbert Bell, Donald McNeill, Archibald McDougall, Archibald Darrack, Edward Harrington, Charles McDonald, Hugh C. McDonald, Colin McDougall, [John McQuarry], William Ross, Donald C. Livingstone, John McDonald, Christopher S. Wright, Dennis Dowling, B.H. Cumberland, Malcolm McGregor, E. Fanning, Andrew Ladner, Edward Ladner, Alexander McNeill, Allan D. Livingstone, George Smith, Angus Campbell, Robert Campbell, Alexander MacDonald, Joseph Betts, [George Gorvalt], Neil McPhee, Archibald Currie, Michael Murphy, Michael Hennessy, James Joy, Peter Murphy, Lawrence Murphy, George Tweedy, James Foley, Edward Foley, John Smith, John M. Murphy, Thomas Griffin, [John Lannan], Patrick Scott, Mary E. Campbell, Abraham Doolan, Patrick Dowling, Patrick Quilty, Roderick Hogan, John Doyle, Mary Doyle, John Brecken, Ralph Brecken, Roderick McKinnon, Neil McKinnon, Archibald McKinnon, Donald McKinnon, William Clark, Malcolm McKinnon, [John Collier], [Robert Mutch], John Newton, William McKie, Dougald Currie, John Currie, James Currie, John J. Currie, William Ross, Donald F. McIsaac, [Molchias McIsaac], Neil McIsaac, Alexander McDougall, Felix Feehan, Henry Feehan, John McIsaac, Mary Bulger, Neil McNeill, Dougald McNeill, Ewen McLaughlan, Peter Robertson, William Murray, Robert McLeod, Horatio Webster, [Thomas E. Burdette], Ewen McMullin, Alexander McMullin, Malcolm McDonald, James Ferguson, John Johnson, Archibald McDougald, Peter McMahon, [John Alchoon], Edward Brennan, Dennis Kief, [John C. Binns], Benjamin Pollard, William White, Robert Fox, Matilda Brecken, Benjamin Wood, John Allen, T.H. Haviland, James Callahan, George Dalrymple, Sarah Turner, Dennis Kief, William Burke, Alexander McMillan, Timothy Treasure, Alexander Ray, Samuel Bernard
Date (Other) |
one of the dates: 1892 or some later date
Extent |
1 map: col.; 108 x 79 cm. (canvas size)
Physical Description |
Paper map on cloth backing. The paper is cracking and chipping in a few places.
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Subject (Topical) |