Title Proper |
Plan of Township No. 64
Subtitle |
St. Andrews Parish, Queens County, P. E. Island
Description |
Lot 64 is situated in Kings County, not Queens County as stated in the map title. The map shows Lot 64 divided into parcels of land with names of residents and their acreage amounts. Several parcels of land are coloured pink. A few land conveyance references appear on the map, written in red ink. The map shows roads and bridges. It shows the Murray Islands. Bodies of water--which include the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Fox River and Murray River--are coloured blue. Bar scale in chains. Compass rose with magnetic north arrows showing variations for 1829 and 1764. Noted near the title and signed: No. 15. This is one of the Plans referred to in the Deed from Sir Edward Cunard, William Cunard and Laura Cunard to the Commissioner of Public Lands bearing[?] date the 15 th day of July 1866.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Surveyor: Cundall, H. J.
Details |
The map shows Lot 64 divided into parcels of land with names of residents and their acreage amounts. Several parcels of land are coloured pink. Land conveyance references appear in red ink. The map shows roads and bridges. It shows the Murray Islands. Bodies of water--which include the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Fox River and Murray River--are coloured blue. Bar scale in chains. Compass rose with magnetic north arrows showing variations for 1829 and 1764.
Names Present on Map |
Mrs. McRae, [Andrew Cross], Murdock McPhee, Donald Smith, Malcolm Smith, Alexander Smith, James Smith, Alexander Gillis, [Neil McNeil], Angus McLean, Ann Gillis, Duncan McNeill, John McKenzie, John McLean, [Alexander Blue], Duncan Blue, Angus Blue, John Blue, Malcolm D. Munn, Donald McNeill, [Widow McLeod], [Donald McLellan], Malcolm Blue, Malcolm Nicholson, Norman McLean, Malcolm Stewart, John Stewart, Angus Nicholson, Alan McSween, Murdoch Stweart, John Shaw, Ronald Stewart, Alexander Stewart, Angus Stewart, [Agnes McLeod], John McLean, Murdoch McDonald, Donald McLeod, William McKay, John McLean, Angus Stewart, John McKenzie, Angus Cameron, Alexander McLean, [John Murchison], Norman McLeod, Donald McLeod, Hector McLean, Archibald McLeod, Samuel McLeod, [Widow Munro], James Budren, Murdoch McSween, [Thomas Mayter], Donald McLean, Alexander McKenzie, Thomas Giddings, Hector Gillis, Owen Giddings, William Bell, Harvey Bishop, John Glover, Ephraim Hooper, John Brooks, James Glover, Jeremiah Beck, Thomas Glover, [William Clement], [William Darl], William Bull, Andrew Glover, Daniel Glover, William Glover, Henry Phillips, William McLeod, David Johnstone, James Bell, Thomas Bell, James Roberts, James Beck, [Hillary Roberts], George Harris, [Fi. Chrystie], James Riley, William Bishop, John Beck, James Bishop, [Obadiah White], John Brooks, John Brooks, John Nicole, J. Sullivan, Henry Brehaul, Mrs. Hooper, Giles Haukins, Vere Beck, Daniel Brehaul, [Thomas Hurley], James Dunn, Joseph Giddings, William Sensebaugh, [Edward Jurilan], [John Le Luch], Hector McKay, John McKay, John Robins, Charles Davey, D. & N. Hugh, John O'Niel, Tobias Conolly, H. Machon, [Gerard Irvin], Edward Kervin, Henry Sensebaugh, Robert Dixon, Murdoch McPhee, Norman Nicholson, [Finley McLean], Archibald McLean, Archibald McNeill, John McLennon, John Nicholson, [William Hoofail], Benjamin Moore, John Cowan, John Moore, John Hooper, John Bull, John Giddings, Edmund Geddings, Edwin Geddings, Charles Davy, William Davy, Warwick Bishop, David Bull, Alfred Geddings, John Haberlin, James Haberlin, John Marchand, David Marchand, William Owens, Thomas Cowan, John Cowan, James Richards, Henry Brehaul, William Brehaul, Charles Brehaul, Pete Roberts, Thomas Roberts, Neil Penny, Thomas Munn, John McKay, [David Davis], [John Lauchlan], [Finley McLean], Angus McPhee, William McPhee, [Ambrose Horwin], John Beers, [John Heurdow], [Angus Lumonil], Dennis Cook, Duncan McKinnon, William Daniels, Robert Whiteway, John McLeod, Nathaniel Beers, Daniel McLeod, John Murdoch, James Beers, Isabella Nicholson, [Godfrey Hardy], [Leverett Bishop], David McLeod, James Sanders, John White, John Low, Charles White, Edward Jordan, [William White], Widow Lowe, [Robert Saunders], James Blake, John Saunders, John Wheeler, Giles Hawkins, Francis Beers, Henry Beers, Francis Cook, Patrick Cuddy, John Cuddy, Kenneth Grant, John Horton, Alfred Beers, Samuel Roberts, Charles Roberts, Widow Hayden, Josiah Roberts, John J. Machon, [Gerald Bell], Alexander Vanidershire, Thomas De Jersey, Charles Colehoun, Abraham Dealey, Robert McKay, Hugh McKay, George MacKay, [Elizabeth Hewey], Cole J. Richards, Duncan McRae, John Fraser, Frederick McRae, Alexander Fraser, James MacDonald, Alexander McGregor, Daniel McMillan, Daniel Neill, Alexander Maclean, John Levingston, Murdoch McKenzie, George Murdoch, James Levingston, James Kennedy
Date Created |
Extent |
1 ms. map: col.; 113 x 52 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map on cloth backing. The paper map is cracking and peeling away from the cloth support. Large pieces of the paper are missing, resulting in loss of data.
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Geographic - City | |
Subject (Topical) |