Hebert, W. I.

Cartographer: Hebert, W. I.
Plan of Ile Saint-Jean / the Island of Saint John. The map shows Prince Edward Island and a portion of the mainland. It identifies settlements, bays, harbours, rivers and islands. Sandy areas are shown with stippling. Most of the island appears to be forested, as indicated by green colouring and small illustrations of trees. Patchwork parcels of blue, pink or orange lines indicate settled land. The areas of greatest settlement appear at the Village of Midaick northwest of Malpeque Bay, the Village of St. Peters and the region around the West, North and Hillsborough Rivers and Hillsborough Bay. Roads are shown. The map shows four churches and the fort at Fort Amherst/Port la Joye. Bodies of water are coloured or outlined blue. Depths are indicated by soundings in fathoms. The maps has a north arrow and a bar scale showing miles and leagues.