Bayfield, H. W.

Surveyor: Bayfield, H. W.
Engraver: J.
Paper map in frame. Nautical chart originally published in 1845. Relief is described pictorially, with hachures, stippling and soundings. Bays, capes, heads, harbours, islands, lakes, ports, points, rivers and rocks are identified. Features identified include coral, gravel, rock, sand, shells and stone. Soundings are measured in feet. Road to Charlottetown is outlined and some dwellings are marked.
Surveyor: Bayfield, H. W.
Surveyor: Orlebar, J.
Surveyor: Bedford, G. A.
Paper map in frame. Nautical chart originally published in 1842 and corrected and reissued many times. Large corrections in 1860, 1868, 1869, 1881. Relief is described pictorially, with hachures, stippling and soundings. Three views of the land from the harbour are illustrated from various positions on the map. Legend provides notes on Lights, Buoys, and Beacons. Additional features identified include clay, gravel, mud, rock, sand, shells, stones, and weeds. Soundings are measured in feet. Roads are outlined as are some properties.