Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation

The map shows the Gulf of St. Lawrence, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, and parts of Nova Scotia and Quebec. It shows Anticosti Island and the Magdelan Islands. The map uses labels, colour and stippled lines to show fishing banks. The title appears in a decorative cartouche in the lower right corner. The cartouche also contains a bar scale in French units. Latitude and longitude (measured west from Paris) are marked around the edges of the map. James W. Macnutt Collection.
Provenance: Purchased by Mr. Macnutt in London at the Map House in 1982. [Information from the back of the item]
Exhibition & Catalogue: 1. The James W. Macnutt Collection of Maps of the Gulf of St. Lawrence with Particular Emphasis on Prince Edward Island, Confederation Centre Art Gallery and Museum, June 5 to Sept. 7, 1986; 2. Prince Edward Island in the Age of Discovery, Confederation Centre Art Gallery and Museum, Sept. 13 to Oct. 25, 1992. [Information from the back of the item]
The Island Imagined is an online collection of historic maps of Prince Edward Island. The collection features maps, atlases, books, images, and documents from the Prince Edward Island Public Archives and Records Office, the Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation, and the Robertson Library at the University of Prince Edward Island. The Island Imagined contains over 1,000 maps including an early map of the region circa 1574 attributed to Giacomo Gastaldi and features a digitized version of Meacham's Atlas from 1880.

The Island Imagined was made possible by the financial support of the Department of Canadian Heritage through the Canadian Culture Online Program.

These maps tell the story of the settling and colonization of Prince Edward Island. But this island, Epekwitk, has a rich history starting long before these maps were written. From time immemorial through to the present day, this land has been the home of the Mi'kmaq. The Mi'kmaq Confederacy of PEI has created a map of Mi'kmaw traditional land use, incorporating Mi'kmaw place names as well as historical documents. It is now hosted by L'nuey.  Epekwitk Place Names (via L'nuey)