Curtis, William

Surveyor: Curtis, William
Surveyor: Wright, Geo.
Plan of Lot 15 (No.42) taken from the survey of William Curtis (1826) with alterations and corrections from surveys made in 1849 and 1851 by Geo. Wright. Color code shows Crown Lands and lands occupied by squatters. Also shows names of residents, acreage, and land conveyance references. The map shows bodies of water such as Egmont Bay, and a compass rose.
Surveyor: Curtis, William
(No. 46). The map shows a plan of the Western Road from St. Eleanor's to Lot 10. The road passes through Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 17. The map shows part of the Ellis River and other rivers, stream, brooks and springs where they cross the road. For these water features, their widths, depths and types of banks are sometimes noted. The map shows written descriptions of the tree cover along the route. It lists portages and identifies areas where drainage will be required. The map has a north arrow.