Plaw, J.

Cartographer: Plaw, J.
Plan of part of Lot 26 (No.3). Plan traced[?] by J. Plaw from a survey by Mr. Major[?]. The maps shows part of Lot 26 (the Centreville area) divided into parcels of land with the names of residents and their acreage amounts. Joshua Morrell's two parcels are outlined in red. North arrow. Bar scale in chains.
Surveyor: Plaw, J.
Plan of part of Lot 38 (No. 5). 500 acres, the property of Mr. Langdon, being part of Mrs. Burns' land of 7800 acres. The maps shows a square parcel of land, 500 acres in size, belonging to Mr. Langdon in the eastern part of Lot 38, adjacent to the boundary line between lots 38 and 39. The parcel is outlined in red. The map also shows part of the road to Cardigan River and land belonging to Mr. Hodges to both the north and east of Langdon's parcel.