Fox, Robert

Surveyor: Fox, Robert
Plan of part of Lot 34 (No. 4). 74 acres of land. The map shows Barbarey Vickerson's 74-acre parcel of land on the north side of the Hillsborough River in Lot 34. The plan shows roads, including St. Peter's Road. The Vickerson parcel is outlined with yellow; the river is outlined with blue. A marshy area is indicated with stippling/hatching. Bar scale in chains.
Surveyor: Fox, Robert
Plan of part of Lot 32 (No.6). The map shows 200 acres of land, outlined in yellow, belonging to Robert Hodgson on the west side of the Prince Town Road in Lot 32. It shows some neighbouring parcels of land including Loyalist land, vacant land and lots belonging to 2 other residents. It indicates some buildings and the property markers used to define the Hodgson land. The North River and a mill creek flowing into it are outlined green. There is a detailed written description of the boundaries of the Hodgson parcel. North arrow.