Plaw, John

Cartographer: Plaw, John
Plan of Refugee Lots on Lot 32. Copied from the original. The map shows a northern portion of Lot 32 divided into numbered refugee lots, each 100 acres in size. It gives the names of some residents, all of whom have more than one 100-acre parcel. The map shows the North River and a mill creek flowing into it. It also shows a road, likely Malpeque. Bar scale in chains. North arrow.
Surveyor: Plaw, John
Plan of part of Lot 25 (No.4). Thompson-Taylor land. This item consists of 2 maps——on separate pieces of paper——of the parcels of land belonging to John Thompson (200 acres) and William Taylor (320 acres) in the southwestern part of Lot 25. The maps are glued together at the top, left corner. The bottom sheet has a handwritten description of the land on the back side.
Surveyor: Plaw, John
Plan of part of Lot 25 (No.4). Thompson-Taylor land. This item consists of 2 maps——on separate pieces of paper——of the parcels of land belonging to John Thompson (200 acres) and William Taylor (320 acres) in the southwestern part of Lot 25. The maps are glued together at the top, left corner. The bottom sheet has a handwritten description of the land on the back side.