Curtis, W.

Surveyor: Curtis, W.
Plan of part of Lot 35 (No. 5). The map shows 175 acres of land belonging to Ronald McDonald at Grand Tracadie in the northern part of Lot 35. The map shows the names of the residents on either side of R. McDonald's parcel. It also shows parts of Bedford (now Tracadie) Bay, Oyster Cove and the Winter River. A smaller piece of paper glued to the top left corner of the map contains a written description of the boundaries of McDonald's land.
Surveyor: Curtis, W.
Plan of part of Lot 35 (No. 5). The map shows 175 acres of land belonging to Ronald McDonald at Grand Tracadie in the northern part of Lot 35. The map shows the names of the residents on either side of R. McDonald's parcel. It also shows parts of Bedford (now Tracadie) Bay, Oyster Cove and the Winter River. A smaller piece of paper glued to the top left corner of the map contains a written description of the boundaries of McDonald's land.
Surveyor: Curtis, W.
Plan of a line of road from Bagnall's to Princetown Royalty. Passes through Lots 18, 19, 25, 67, 21, and 22 (No.43). The map shows the line of road from Bagnells to Prince Town Royalty. The road is marked off in Roman numerals, possibly by the mile, though units are not given. Small sections of roads, rivers, streams and brooks are shown where they cross the road. Types of forest, land features and soil descriptions are labelled. North arrow.