Surveyor: Wright, C.
Owner: Wright, Lydia
Plan of the western portion of Lot 65 (No.173). Estate of Mrs Lydia Wright. Roads, leased land[?] and freehold land on the Estate of Mrs. Lydia Wright. Tenant names appear on the sub-lots, which are numbered with area given in acres. Wooded areas and marshlands depicted. Depths represented by stippling. Bodies of water, which include Elliot River, Long Creek, Dog River, Northumberland Strait and Allen Cove (now Canoe Cove), are coloured blue. Adjoining estates include those of George Wright, the Earl of Selkirk (Township 31), and Reserved Land with the name of Mrs. Charles Wright written in pencil. Detail shows land cover. Updates to map in red ink and pencil. Bar scale in chains. Compass rose with north and magnetic north arrows.
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