Ball, Jos.

Surveyor: Ball, Jos.
Plan of Lot 1 (No.6) showing the extent of the Fishery Reserve to the Crown and situation of settlers thereon. Also the site of the respective fishery establishments of the same, as delineated from the latest surveys and part from actual survey. Shown are lots, residents, bodies of water, and roads.
Surveyor: Ball, Jos.
Plan of that part of Lot or Township 55 lying north of Boughton River showing the situation of the respective plots as coloured green which are still in the Crown. The map shows bodies of water such as rivers, roads, residents, and land acreage.
Surveyor: Ball, Jos.
Plan of Lot 66. Gives list of settlers. The map shows Lot 66 divided into numbered parcels of land. Along the side there is a corresponding list of parcel numbers and settlers' names handwritten in ink. Some parcels are tinted light green. Roads are shown and some have decorative direction pointers. Springs and rivers, which include the upper Montague River, are coloured blue. North arrows in top left corner.