Displaying 1 - 24 of 24
Plan of Township No. 48: compiled during the year 1915 from plans on file in the Land Office and…
Description: Plan of Lot 48 compiled during the year 1915 from plans on file in the Land Office and Registry Office and from the chart of Charlottetown Harbour supplemented by the descriptions in the leases and… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1915
Plan of Township No. 63: compiled from the proprietors' plans, descriptions in leases and…
Description: Plan of Lot 63 compiled from the proprietors' plans, descriptions in leases and registered deeds, and from Meacham's Atlas, with additions and corrections from surveys made at various times… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1921-02
Plan of Township No. 4: Compiled from the plans, leases, deeds, and other documents on file in the…
Description: The map shows Lot 4 divided into parcels of land with the names of residents, their acreage amounts and land conveyance references. The map shows roads in a light brown colour. It shows the P.E.I.… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1911-06
Plan of Township No. 64: compiled from the proprietors' plans, descriptions in leases and…
Description: The map shows Lot 64 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, their acreage amounts and land conveyence references. Land information written in black indicates government land;… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1920
Plan of Township No. 5: compiled from plans, leases, deeds, and other documents on file in the Land…
Description: Plan of Lot 5 compiled from plans, leases, deeds, and other documents on file in the Land Office. The map shows Lot 5 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, their acreage amounts and… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1911-09
Plan of certain tracts of land at or near Orwell according to registered deeds, and two surveys…
Description: Plan of part of Lot 50. Clark's Corner, Orwell. Shows certain tracts of land at or near Orwell according to registered deeds and two surveys. Rough copy included. more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of Township No. 32: compiled from the proprietors plans and Meacham's Atlas and from the…
Description: The map shows Lot 32 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, acreage amounts and land conveyance references. Areas drawn in black indicate government land; areas in red indicate… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1919-01
Plan of Township No. 31: compiled from the proprietors plans and Meacham's Atlas and from the…
Description: Plan of Lot 31 compiled from the Proprietors' plans and Meacham's Atlas and from the descriptions in leases and registered deeds, with additions and corrections from various surveys made… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1917-12
Plan of Township No 14: Compiled from the proprietors' plans and Meacham's Atlas, and…
Description: Plan of Lot 14 compiled from the proprietors' plans and Meacham's Atlas, and from the descriptions in leases and deeds, with additions and corrections from the reports of various surveys on… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1914
Plan of Township No. 9: compiled from the proprietors' plans and the descriptions in the…
Description: Plan of Lot 9 compiled from the proprietors plans and the descriptions in the leases and deeds, with additions and corrections from the various surveys. The map shows Lot 9 divided into parcels of… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1909
Plan of Township No. 6: Compiled from plans, leases, deeds, and other documents on file in the Land…
Description: The map shows Lot 6 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, their acreage amounts and land conveyance references handwritten in black and red ink. Shows the P.E.I. Railway in red, roads… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1912-01
Plan of Township No. 5: compiled from plans, leases, deeds, and other documents on file in the Land…
Description: Plan of Lot 5 compiled from plans, leases, deeds, and other documents on file in the Land Office. The map shows Lot 5 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, their acreage amounts and… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1911-09
Plan of the estates of the late Angus McDonald and James McDonald at Springfield Township No 39:…
Description: Part of Lot 39. Plan of the estates of the late Angus McDonald and James McDonald at Springfield. Also the subdivisions of the same as agreed upon at the time of survey. The map shows lots, residents… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1910-09
Plan of part of the Georgetown Road on Lot 51 showing the encrouchment by John Curran from a survey…
Description: Plan of part of the Georgetown Road on Lot 51. Shows Union Road and property of John Curran. (No.3) The map shows lots, resident, and roads.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1908-06-04
Plan of Township No. 55: Compiled from the plans on file in the Land and Registry Offices, from the…
Description: Plan of Lot 55 compiled from the plans on file in the Land and Registry Offices, from the descriptions in the registered Grants and from Meacham's Atlas. Shows names of residents, acreage, and… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1919
Plan of Township No. 9: compiled from the proprietors' plans and the descriptions in the…
Description: Plan of Lot 9 compiled from the proprietors plans and the descriptions in the leases and deeds, with additions and corrections from the various surveys. The map shows Lot 9 divided into parcels of… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1909
Plan of Township No. 32: compiled from the proprietors plans and Meacham's Atlas and from the…
Description: The map shows Lot 32 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, acreage amounts and land conveyance references. Areas drawn in black indicate government land; areas in red indicate… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1919-01
Plan of Township No. 57: Compiled from the proprietors plans and Meacham's Atlas, and from the…
Description: The map shows Lot 57 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, acreage amounts and land conveyance references. Areas drawn in black indicate land conveyed to the government and re-… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1917
Plan Shewing the Northern Boundary Line of the Victoria Park Roadway as Surveyed by Thomas W. May L…
Description: Plan showing the northern boundary line of the Victoria Park Roadway. This is the plan referred to in "The Victoria Park Roadway Act, 1896". Shown is the Charlottetown Harbour, Governor… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1896
Plan showing the situation of part of the Estate of the late Owen Connolly Esq. in Charlottetown…
Description: Plan showing the situation of part of the Estate of the late Owen Connolly in Charlottetown Common and Royalty. Created by John Ball, surveyor, and copied by Thomas W. May. The map shows Malpeque… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1921-01
Plan of an approximate correction of the Junction of the Maitland road with the Murray Harbour Road…
Description: Plan of an approximate correction of the Junction of the Maitland Road with the Murray Harbour Road as sketched in sundry plans by the late Roderick Campbell... and as measured on the ground on the… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1921-09-09
Plan of Township No. 59: Compiled from the proprietors plans, descriptions in leases and registered…
Description: Plan of Lot 59 compiled from the proprietors' plans, descriptions in leases and registered deeds, and from Meacham's Atlas with additions and corrections from surveys made at various times… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1922-03
Plan of Township No. 58: Compiled from the proprietors plans and Meacham's Atlas, and from the…
Description: Plan of Lot 58 compiled from the proprietors' plans and Meacham's Atlas and from the descriptions in leases and registered deeds with additions and corrections from various surveys made… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1916
Plan of the subdivision of property owned by Mrs. John Longworth in the Commons of Charlottetown:…
Description: Plan of the subdivision of property owned by Mrs. John Longworth in the Commons of Charlottetown, Common Lot No.29. Plan made under the instructions of H.J. Palmer, Trustee for Mrs. John Longworth. (… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1923-07-19