Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Plan of part of The Western Road.: W. Curtis
Description: (No. 46). The map shows a plan of the Western Road from St. Eleanor's to Lot 10. The road passes through Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 17. The map shows part of the Ellis River and other… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: plans
Plan of Township No. 11 in Prince Edward Island: Surveyed by A. Anderson Land Surveyor
Description: Plan of Lot 11 (No. 32). Stewart Estate. Shows names, acreage, and land conveyance references for some residents, bodies of water such as coves, rivers, roads, and a nautical compass.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Plan of Part of Lot or Township Number Eleven: by A. Anderson, 1847
Description: Plan of part of Lot 11 (No.31). Stewart Estate. Shows names and acreage of some residents, bodies of water such as rivers, roads, and a compass.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1847
Plan of Township No. 11: compiled from the plans by the late Alexander Anderson L. S on file in the…
Description: The map shows Lot 11 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, their acreage amounts and land conveyance references. Shows the P.E.I. Railway in red, roads in light brown. Bodies of water… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1910
Copy of a plan made by Alexander Anderson in 1845 of that portion of the northern part of Lot 11…
Description: Copy of a plan made by Alexander Anderson in 1845 of that portion of the northern part of Lot 11 sold at various times for land taxes. Plan shows property bought by David Ramsay at a Sheriff's… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1909
Plan of Township No. 11: compiled from the plans by the late Alexander Anderson L. S on file in the…
Description: The map shows Lot 11 divided into parcels of land with names of residents, their acreage amounts and land conveyance references. Shows the P.E.I. Railway in red, roads in light brown. Bodies of water… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1910