Title Proper |
Plan of Township No. 11 in Prince Edward Island
Subtitle |
Surveyed by A. Anderson Land Surveyor
Description |
Plan of Lot 11 (No. 32). Stewart Estate. Shows names, acreage, and land conveyance references for some residents, bodies of water such as coves, rivers, roads, and a nautical compass.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Surveyor: Anderson, A.
Details |
Plan of Lot 11 (No. 32). Stewart Estate. Shows names, acreage, and land conveyance references for some residents, bodies of water such as coves, rivers, roads, and a nautical compass.
Names Present on Map |
Hon. Joseph Yeo, John McPhee, Joseph Brundage, Peter Bourdage, [James Mitchel], James Palmer, [Percy Paper], R. R. Fitzgerald, Thomas Kelly, Arthur Ramsay, David Ramsay, George Palmer, Robert Phillips, Donald Carr Smith, John Adams, George Murray, James Banks, Richard Kelly, James Bulger, John Bulger, John Kilbride, James Kilbride, Patrick Kilbride, Cornelius Kilbride, Rachel Kilbride, Robert Kilbride, James Warburton, James Luke, Philip Gahan, George Luke, Philip Gain, Michael Callaghan, Joshua Henderson, James Bulger, William English, Patrick Murphy, [Thomas Boyle], John Yeo, M. P. Barry, Thomas Kays, John Bryan, John Hughes, Alexander McDonald, George S. McDonald, Edward Bryan, James Adams, Richard Smallman, Edgar M. Cain, Herbert S. Sharp, Richard Kelly Jr., Thomas Kelly, William Adams, Michael Reed, Patrick Lynch, James Carroll, James A. Kelly, Thomas Kelly, J. Rafferty, Peter Lynch, Patrick Lynch, John Ellis, Edward Carroll, Michael Kilbride, Peter Hughes, Richard Stone, [Philip Stone], William H. Pope, Archibald McAusland, Donald Gillis, [Moses Hughes], Fidele Perry, Michael McDonald, Alexander Gillis, P. McLellan, Duncan Munroe, Frederick McDonald, John McIntyre, Hon. John Warburton, Dennis Kilbride, William Morin, Andrew Morin, Laurence Hughes, James Morin, Michael Bulger, William Richards, James Finnen, Timothy Finnen, William Moran, Edward Finnan, Andrew Moran, Robert Ramsay, James Conquest, John A. Moran, John Suignan, George Jelly, Thomas Ramsay, Archibald McMurdo, James Henderson, Thomas Smallman, Alexander McKay, Arthur Boyle, David Adams, George P. Palmer, Ambrose Boyle, Archibald Ramsay, [Edward Kinsman], Hugh Smith, James Banks, Robert Milligan, Widow Smith, Joshua Smallman, David Smith, William Adams Jr., Donald McArthur
Extent |
1 ms. map: col.; 66 x 100 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map on cloth backing. Pieces of the paper map have come off the cloth support, especially near the bottom, resulting in loss of data. Both the paper and cloth are cracked and splitting. Many of the cracks have been taped.
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Subject (Topical) |