Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Plan of Lot Thirty Seven: Queens Co., P.E.I.
Description: Map of Lot 37 and part of Lot 38. Map is from Meacham's 1880 PEI Historical Atlas. A few land conveyance references have been added in red ink. The map shows bodies of water such as rivers,… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps
Date Created: 1880
Map of Lot Forty-Eight: J.H. Meachams and Co. Atlas
Description: Map of Lot 48. Draft for Meacham's Atlas. Also includes inset map of Southport or Stratford (scale: 6 chains/inch). Shows the Charlottetown Royalty, bodies of water such as rivers, and lakes,… more
Province: Prince Edward Island
Type: cadastral maps