Title Proper |
Plan of Lot Thirty Seven
Subtitle |
Queens Co., P.E.I.
Description |
Map of Lot 37 and part of Lot 38. Map is from Meacham's 1880 PEI Historical Atlas. A few land conveyance references have been added in red ink. The map shows bodies of water such as rivers, ponds, creeks, lakes, harbours, roads, and post offices.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Surveyor: Allen, C. R.
Details |
Map of Lot 37 and part of Lot 38. Map is from Meacham's 1880 PEI Historical Atlas. A few land conveyance references have been added in red ink. The map shows bodies of water such as rivers, ponds, creeks, lakes, harbours, roads, and post offices.
Names Present on Map |
William Ings, William Fitzsimmons, John Boyland, Patrick Mooney, Michael Murray, Hugh McLeod, Angus McLeod, Andrew Hand, Patrick Coyle, Michael McQuirk, Francis Hughes, Patrick O'Brien, John Corrigan, John Callaghan, Owen Coyle, Patrick MacManus, John Logan, Andrew Barrett, Hugh McKenna, Francis Callaghan, Owen Murray, Patrick Callaghan, Mrs. John Wise, John McAtee, James McEwen, Alexander McCannell, D. McCannell, Archibald McCannell, Neil McCannell, James McCannell, Jonah McCannell, Angus McCannell, Anne Boylan, Francis McQuaid, Patrick O'Hare, Angus Gillis, James Alfred Clark, J.E. Kelly, James Power, James Clark, Alfred Clark, Ronald McDonald, A.J. McDonald, Angus Hugh, [Lewis Walker], Charles Ostrich, Alexander Miller, Patrick McKinnon, John McKinnon, Alexander Miller, Haveland Clark, Peter Hughes, Andrew Clark, Alexander R. McDonald, George Clark, [Charles Fisher], John Fraser, John Steele, John Dunphy, Thomas Murray, [Peter McKenna], Francis Kelly, Patrick McKenna, Hugh McKenna, Peter Duffy, Michael McQuirk, Patrick McDonald, Michael Conners, [Robert Donley], Hugh Sherry, John Logan, Patrick Hand, John Simpson, Patrick McCabe, John Boyland, Owen Murray, James Hughes, Francis McKenna, John Callaghan, Angus McCannell, Neil McCannell, Archibald McCannell, Daniel McCannell, John McQuaid, Murdoch McLeod, Mrs. Alexander Walker, Donald McDonald, Angus McDonald, [James Corley], John Dunphy, Thomas McManus, Jonah Birt, Edward Birt, James McNeill, Charles Kelly, Ronald McDonald, James McDonald, John Jay, James Rodgerson, John Birt, Jonah Birt, George Jay, John A. McDonald, Alexander McDonald, John Logan, Richard Guy, John Smith, Francis D. Hare, John Wood, Daniel McDonald, John Dunphy, Alexander MacRae, John McKinnon, John P. Curran, James Jennings, Phillip Meagher, Henry Mooney, Miss Kelly, [Maurice Kennifick], Allan MacDonald, Allan D. MacDonald, Ronald MacDonald, Andrew MacDonald, Thomas MacDonald, Dougald MacDonald, James Grant, John Grant, Robert Mooney, John O'Brien, [Peter Keene], James MacRae, Francis Duffy, [Summer Sample], James Kelly, David Burt, Samuel Jay, Thomas Curtis, George Jay, Samuel Jay, Angus Walker, Adam Rogerson, Isaac Jay, Jonathan Burt, Thomas Rogerson, Edward Jay, John Jay, John F. Praught, John Henderson, Joseph McDonald, George Douglas, Peter McCormack, Thomas Revel, James Affleck, David Egan, John Griffin, [Norman McPhee], [Benjamin Keyne] Thomas D. Coffin, [Duncan Douglas], Albert Coffin, James Douglas, William H. Douglas, James McQuade, Robert Farguharson, David Smallwood, John Ryan, Michael Cunningham, Martin McGillivray, Charles Palmer, [George Scott], Maria Cowan, Daniel McLaughlin, Alexander McIntyre, Alexander McKenzie, Mary McCormack, James McKearney, [Ewen McKearney], John Beaton, Patrick Ryan Barrett, Samuel McKenzie, James H. Coffin, Richard Eagan, Patrick Griffin, James Bambrick, Elisha Coffin, Joseph Coffin, Hamilton Coffin, Edmund Coffin, M. Feehan, William Chapman, Donald McIntyre, Thomas T. Taylor, Thomas Shreeman, Hugh Shreeman, Charles Coffin, James Pigot, Benjamin Coffin, Daniel Feehan, Edward Feehan, Patrick McInnis, Duncan McInnis, Gabriel McDonald, Henry Feehan, Donald Steel, Angus McAskill, Daniel Beaton, Cornelius McIntyre, John McIntyre, Patrick Doyle, James Doyle, Angus McInnis, John McCormack, Hugh Shreenan, Michael McCormack, Joseph McCormack, John A. McCormack, John J. McCormack, John Donald McCormack, C. McCormack, Timothy McCormack, Angus McCormack, Patrick McCormack, Charles McKinnon, [Hugh McKinnon], [Michael McMillan], Edward Conners, John Doyle, Peter Doyle, William Coffin, James McKay, [Ronald Morrison], John Pigot, David Pigot, John Morrison, Angus Morrison, Donald Morrison, Frederick D. Coffin, David Coffin, Samuel Coffin
Date Created |
Extent |
1 map: 28 x 67 cm. (canvas size: 32 x 71 cm.)
Physical Description |
Paper map from Meacham's Atlas mounted on drafting cloth. Only half the page is present, and it is split in 2 pieces. The paper is peeling off the backing and pieces are missing, resulting in loss of data. The map has been taped.
Scale |
40 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Geographic - City | |
Subject (Topical) |