Title Proper |
Plan of Lot or Township No. 34
Description |
Plan of Lot 34 (No. 90). Montgomery Estate. Working plan. The map shows Lot 34 divided into parcels of land with the names of residents and their acreage amounts handwritten in black ink. Land conveyance references appear on the parcels in black ink and red ink. Some parcels of land are outlined in light brown. The maps shows roads coloured light orange-brown. Bodies of water, which include Covehead (or Harrington) Bay, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Winter River and the Hillsborough River, are often coloured or outlined in blue. Noted on the map: Jas. Montgomery to James Montgomery Jr. 5815 1/2 acres, 27 October 1864 Regd. Lib. 83 fol. 301. Also: Rev.d. J. F. Mongomery & wife to Charles Palmer, 6100 acres 17 May, 1866 Regd. Lib. 85, fol. 700. Map features compass rose.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Owner: Montgomery, James
Owner: Palmer, Charles
Details |
The map shows Lot 34 divided into parcels of land with the names of residents and their acreage amounts handwritten in black ink. Land conveyance references appear on the parcels in black ink and red ink. The maps also shows roads, which are coloured light orange-brown. Bodies of water, which include Covehead (or Harrington) Bay, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Winter River and the Hillsborough River, are often coloured or outlined in blue. Some parcels of land are outlined in light brown. Compass rose with north arrow.
Names Present on Map |
Hugh MacMillan, Mathew Hudson, Donald MacMillan, John Millar, David Miller, Mrs. John McMillan, William Carr, David Auld, Francis Mutch, Charles Higgins, Frederick Brown, Stephen Higgins, Neil Shaw, George Auld, William Cass, Cornelius Higgins, John Bell, Thomas Gurney, Francis Auld, David H. Auld, James Murphy, David Landrigan, Nathan McMillan, Warren L. Wellner, John Benjamin Hughes, James G. Hughes, Charles Hughes, Mrs. Eliza Bovyer, James Brown, William Brown, Lawrence Whelan, Simon Power, Frank B. Bovyer, John Landrican, [Michael Landrican], Charles Reardon, Michael Delaney, William Wooldridge, John Whelan, Daniel Reardon, David Wooldridge, Thomas Mobbs, Edward Mullins, [Thomas Carroll], John Howlett, Robert C. Webster, George Webster, Thomas McGrath, James McGrath, Ewen Stewart, William Vessey, Peter Proud, Isaac Seller, Duncan Matheson, William Large, Thomas Ayre, Hubert E.J. Lewis, David Crocket, James Montgomery Jr., Charles Palmer, Thomas Hardy, Henry Hardy, Frederick Hardy, Robert Lawson, William H. Crockett, George Crockett, Ralph Mabou, Herbert Lewis, James Jenkins, Arthur Peters, Martin West, William Crockett Jr., John M. Crockett, William Crockett, John Carroll, William Carroll, Michael Reardon, Benjamin Gill, Patrick Tracey, Terence Kelly, Michael Kelly, Daniel McQuarrie, David Wooldridge, John Whelan, Timothy Ready, Charles Reardon, David Power, Thomas Power, Thomas Riley, James Reid, James B. Hughes, Richard Heartz, William Worldridge, Morgan H. Johnston, James FItzpatrick, William Auld, Isaac Foster, David Foster, Henry Green, John Curran, Hugh Connors, John Cullen, [Frederick Turner], Edward Wyatt, James Doyle, [William Duck], [Thomas Doyle], [Michael Curran], L.L. Philips, James Beales, James Hayes, James Flynn, Benjamin Gill, George Hardy, Richard Maghar, George Duck, Terance Lamphier, Charles Turner, [Oriah Matthew], Joseph Hardy, Isaac Hardy, Edward Wyatt, John Wyatt, James Samuel Arbing, Abraham Harper, John Godfrey, David Harper, Isaac Thompson, John Scott McLeod, Lionel Garnam, Abraham Garnam, William Dover, John McIntyre, James Edward Flynn, James Flynn Jr., John W. Clow, [Jarris Flynn], Daniel E. Morris, [J. Lemuel Philips], Thomas Curran, John Lamphier, James Debins, Patrick Neil, Andrew Gillis, James MacAulay, Patrick Morris, Moses Connors, John Auld, James Lawson, John Darrach, John Shaw, Duncan Shaw, William Lawson, George Brodie, John McCabe, Neil Leitch, George Alexander, John Douglas, David Lawson, John MacAulay, Edward Douglas, John Gahan, Neil Higgins, Malcolm MacAulay, Donald MacAulay, John Martin, Dugald MacIsaac, John Martin, John Lawson, William Higgins, [Neil Higgins], [Catherine Higgins], Cornelius Higgins, Thomas Foster, Henry A. Lawson, Robert Hudson, William Hudson, Martin Power, Robert Hodgson, Alexander Shaw, Neil Shaw, Charles Buxton, John MacLauchlan, Alexander McLauchlan, Alexander McMillan, James D. McMillan, Peter Higgins, Donald McMillan, Angus McMillan, John Ferguson, Donald Stewart, Alexander Ferguson, John Scott McLeod
Extent |
1 map: col.; 49 x 121.5 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map on cloth backing. The paper is cracked in some places. Local discolouration.
Scale |
Scale not given.
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Geographic - City | |
Subject (Topical) |