Title Proper |
Plan of Lot No 1 Shewing the Extent of the Fishery Reserve to the Crown and situation of settlers theron.
Subtitle |
Also the site of the respective fishery establishments of the same, as delineated from the latest surveys and part from actual survey.
Description |
Plan of Lot 1 (No.6) showing the extent of the Fishery Reserve to the Crown and situation of settlers thereon. Also the site of the respective fishery establishments of the same, as delineated from the latest surveys and part from actual survey. Shown are lots, residents, bodies of water, and roads.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Surveyor: Ball, Jos.
Details |
Plan of Lot 1 (No.6) showing the extent of the Fishery Reserve to the Crown and situation of settlers thereon. Also the site of the respective fishery establishments of the same, as delineated from the latest surveys and part from actual survey. Shown are lots, residents, bodies of water, and roads.
Names Present on Map |
John Watson, Moses Nelligan, Paterick Nelligan, John Nelligan, James Gaven, Michael Fee, Michael Nelligan, Edward Fitzgerald, Patrick Mccue, Patrick Fee, John Kennedy, John McGralch, James Fee, Marlin Doyle, [Michelin Othern], Patrick Doyle, Michael Brenan, Thomas Ready, John Mansfield, Patrick Dalton, William Handrihan, John Ready, Widow Carrol, Thomas Richards, Meleme Doucet, Charles Gallant, Simon Perry & sons, Joseph Bernard, Onesine, Fedille Bernard, Moses, Lamoie Perry, Peter Bernard, Joseph Gandel, Joseph Perry, Joseph Arseneaux, Fedille Gallant, Silvain Gallant, Joseph Porier, Patrick Clohasey, James McGue, Paul Arseneaux, Grigory Bernard, James Gallant, Prospere Gallant, Alexia Gaudel, Peter Gallant, Widow Gallant, Thomas Perry, Anselme Maillet, Nicholas Porier, John Arseneaux, Fedille Arseneaux, Remy Maillet, Arthur Doyle, Michael Doyle, Micheal McDonald, Peter McKenna, Joseph Aylnard, James Thompson, James Doyle, Patrick Mckie, John Ahearn, Francis Mckenna, Nicholas Ahearn, John Francis, Thomas Murphy, Alex McInnes, John McInnes, Thomas Mansfield, Garret Fitzerald, Patrick Riley, Daniel Kenney, Angus McInnes, Thomas McRae, Donald McIsaac, Lauchlan Shay, Donald McDonald, Thomas Foley, William Shay, Richards Coston, Patrick White, William Hubbard, John White, Robbert Kennedy, John Gaven, [Widow O], John Dorigan, Peter Hearn, Thomas Hasket, Cor McArly, Michael Gavern, Charles McArly, Lemable Barnard, James Perry, Tenaslus Perry, Widow Perry, Fidelle Bernard, Moses Perry, Felix Perry, Lazar Perry, John Mc'Arty, Melan Goudet, Sylvain Perry, Benjamin Wail, Fabion Arsenaux, John Goudet, Joseph Shay, Stephen Blanchard, James Bain, Oneil, Robert Vincent, Urbain Goudet, James Goudet, Fedille Shassion, Peter Shassion, Jude Arsenaux, Nick Conray, Alexix Richard, E Richard, William Shassion, Alexander Richard, Thomas J.Caie, Patrick Carrigan
Date Created |
October 1853
Extent |
1 map: col.; 138.5 x 65.5 cm.
Physical Description |
Rolled paper map. Map has several long tears.
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Subject (Topical) |