Title Proper |
Lot 6
Subtitle |
No. 19
Description |
Plan of Lot 6 (No. 19). Cunard Estate. Shows names of residents, acreage, and some land conveyance references, bodies of water such as rivers, and roads.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
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Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Details |
Plan of Lot 6 (No. 19). Cunard Estate. Shows names of residents, acreage, and some land conveyance references, bodies of water such as rivers, and roads.
Names Present on Map |
[Thomas Calins], Richard Smallman, [John Dumiond], Thomas M. Robinson, J.C. Pope, James Barclay, Robert Ellis, John Yeo, John Keefe, James B. Stewart, Richard Keefe, George Carroll, William Carroll, Edward Cain, James Well, [Thomas Robinson], Henry Gomm, Joseph Mugridge, William Bulger, John McDonald, James R. Stewart, John Hooper, Stephen McDonald, Hugh McPherson, George Bridges, [Thomas Foran], James Wood, James McPherson, John McPherson, James W. Richards, J.H. Pope, Hugh Murray, James Murray, [James Barclay], Charles Murray, Alexander Chisholm, Archibald Chisholm, Lewis Shaw, Louis Mugridge, James C. Pope, Stephen Baker, Joseph Selliker, Richard Wood, E. Archibald, Joseph Bradshaw, [Archibald S. Easter], Robert Ramsay, Peter O'Brien, Robert Stewart, Thomas Brown, [John Good], Nathan Morell, James Gay, Nathan Higgins, Martin McArthy, Elizabeth Chisholm, Donald McDonald, Alexander McDougald, Thomas H. Pope, Lorenzo Ramsay, John Thompson, Felix Gaudet, William Summerville, Charles Dunn, Majoram McGregor, Major McGregor, John McNaught, [Walter Choppel], Peter Blanchard, Thomas Dennis, [John Cullerton], Daniel Gallant, Dominick Gallant, Clement Robashaw, Felix Robashaw, Andrew Blaquier, Leon Arseneaux, Joseph Perry, Joseph Gallant, Stanislous Gallant, [Vilat Arseneaux], John Arseneaux, Dominick Arseneaux, Prospere Arseneaux, Ebenezer Gallant, [Gaspe Arseneaux], Forman Gallant, Frank Gallant, James Currie, John Wedge, Peter Cain, David McArthy, John Gillis, Simon Ivory, Peter Gallant, Oliver L. Haywood, William Haywood, [Samuel Sweet], Charles Craswell, Robert Craswell, Moses Gallant, Joseph Arseneaux, James Dignan, Jacob Dignan, William Sweet, James Shaw, John McNaught, James Webb, Edward Carroll, Henry Bouller, George Lurton, [George Payton], Walter Matheson, Dennis Arseneaux, John Mulchell, Charles Blackier, John Mitchell, James Yeo, Alexander McNaught, Jerome Arseneaux, James Rowe, John Beaton, [Suprien Arseneaux], Simeon Gallant, James McNaught, [James Brandor], William McKenzie, John A. Matheson, William Hagerty, [Daniel Graham], Andrew Gallant, John Dignan, Edward Dignan, James Sweet, William Ramsay, Thomas Kendal, [Cyprian Arseneaux], Charles Blanchard, Urban Arseneaux, Calice Arseneault, Maurice Gallant, Benjamin Arseneaux, L'aimable Arseneaux, Thomas Blanchard, [Archibald Walter], Donald McArthur, Dennis Arseneault, John Gorrill, Calis Arseneaux, Thomas Kendell, [John H. Duvar], Richard Kelly, Michael Kelly, Patrick Kelly, Thomas Kelly, John Kelly, Alder Clarke, John Clarke, James Ramsay, John Peters, James Duncan, Urban Gallant, G.W. Howlan, Joseph Gallant, Widow Gallant, [Nazarre Gaudet], Sylvan Peters, Friman Perry, Francis Gallant, Widow Wedge, Febian Martin, Febian Arseneaux, Maxim Gallant, William Gibbs, R.B. Reid, Antoine Perry, John Brundage, Joshua Brundage, Bartholomew Brundage, Robert Gordon, Archibald Gordon, Donald McLeod, William Hardy, Edward Williams, Thomas Hopgood, James Ellis, Joshua Smallman, John James Rayner, Eliza Gallant, Dennis Rayner, Robert Gilson, Jacob Gallant, Herbert Bell, William Doghertyy, Angus Gallant, Arthur McRae, Maurice Blanchard, Prospere Gallant, John Sweet, John Gorrell, William Mitchell, John Gorrill, Friman Blanchard, Andrew Blanchard, Josiah Blanchard, Edward Gibbs, Roderick Gillis, [William Grigg], Alfred Dourant, [Alexander Dourant], Andrew Doucett, John Gaudet, Alexis Perry, Josiah Powe
Extent |
1 ms. map: col.; 122 x 51.5 cm.
Physical Description |
Cloth map on cloth support. The map is wrinkled.
Geographic - Continent | |
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