Title Proper |
Plan if the Southren Moiety of Township No 36 Part of the Estate of the Rev: John Alister Somerlet MacDonald
Description |
Plan of the southern moiety of Lot 36 (No.2). Part of the estate of the Rev. John Alister Somerlet MacDonald. From a tracing by W.C. Harris. The map shows lots, residents, a pond, and roads.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
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Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Artist: Harris, W. C.
Details |
Plan of the southern moiety of Lot 36 (No.2). Part of the estate of the Rev. John Alister Somerlet MacDonald. From a tracing by W.C. Harris. The map shows lots, residents, a pond, and roads.
Names Present on Map |
[Hugh Mallally], John King, Edward McAvenney, Peter MacAdams, Patrick Holland, John Monaghan, Began Creehan, Thomas Creehan, Agnes MacKoon, Mrs. James White, Patrick Traynor, F. Traynor, Peter MacKoon, Thomas Murray, Isabella Kelly, Charles Kelly, James Kelly, John Quin, Widow Smith, John Morgan, James Traynor, Patrick MacKenna, Joseph Morgan, Mrs. Mary Quin, Francis Quin, John Traynor, Widow Catherine O'Briens, Edward Cody, [James MacEntee], Charles MacAree, James Lynn, James MacKenna, Owen Simpson, Patrick Corley, James Callaghan, B. Callaghan, Terence Carroll, Francis MacAree, John MacAree, Peter Leverty, James MacKenna, Patrick Laughrin, Patrick Clarkin, Mrs. Mary Simpson, Francis Loughrin, Widow Mary Quin, George Burnett, Henry Fitzsimmons, Francis Denis, Philip MacMahon, John Burns, Bernard Murray, Thomas Comisky, Michael Hughes, Michael Traynor, Michael COmisky, Peter Doyle, Hugh Comisky, John Comisky, William MacGuire, James Comisky, John Garland, Mark Webster, Garret Beard, James Heron, Widow MacGark, Edward Leverty, Widow Rose Callaghan, William Duffy, William Holland, Philip MacNally, Philip Duffy, John Burnett, John Duffy, Patrick Clarkin, John Kelly, Donald McCannel, Henry Corley, Francis Kelly, Michael Hughes, John Bever, James Mitchell, John Power, Mrs. Mary Dalton, Angus Gillies, Patrick Hughes, Peter Hughes, Michael Clark, John MacKenna, John Stewart, Joseph Fisher, John Hennessy, William Hennessy, Thomas Corley, James Gillin, Anne O'Brien, James O'Hare, John Heggarty, Stephen O'Hara, James Brogan, Benjamin Webster, Michael McBride, Thomas MacManns, Patrick Brogan, Mary Webster, Mrs. Mary Smith, Robert Webster, James MacDonald
Date Created |
22 March 1878
Extent |
1 map: col.; 41.5 x 71.5 cm.
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
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Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Subject (Topical) |