Title Proper |
Plan of Lot or Township No 59
Subtitle |
Two Thirds being the property of The Messrs Montgimeries being 13,064 Acres and One Third the property of earl Selkirk
Description |
Plan of Lot 59 (No.157). Two thirds being the property of the Messrs. Montgomeries being 13,064 acres. One third, the property of Earl Selkirk. Plan copied by Jas. J. Bevan. Date of plan: April 1848 (38?). The map shows lots, residents, roads, and bodies of water such as rivers and bays.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Surveyor: Wright, Geo.
Details |
Plan of Lot 59 (No.157). Two thirds being the property of the Messrs. Montgomeries being 13,064 acres. One third, the property of Earl Selkirk. Plan copied by Jas. J. Bevan. Date of plan: April 1848 (38?). The map shows lots, residents, roads, and bodies of water such as rivers and bays.
Names Present on Map |
Angus Stewart, Malcolm Stewart, John MacDonald, Ronald MacDonald, Angus Martin, Hugh MacDonald, John MacDonald, Donald MacPhee, Charles MacKinnon, William MacKinnon, Murdock MacPhee, John MacLeod, Angus MacPherson, John Bruce, Benjamin Davis, William MacPhee, John MacPhee, Lauchlin MacPhee, Malcolm MacInnis, Norman MacPherson, Murdock Bruce, John Cameron, Malcom MacDonald, William MacKinnon, Owen Campbell, Alexander MacQueen, Widow MacBeath, Malcom Gillis, Malcom MacPherson, John MacKay, Angus MacLeod, John MacLeod, Angus MacInnis, Martin McGowan, Donald MacDonald, Angus Gordon, Malcom Nicholson, Fredrick Beaton, Rodrick Frazer, Robert Thompson, Donald MacAuley, Donald MacHugh, James Keating, Earl Selkirk, Andrew Conners, Thomas Kempt, James Basto, William O'Neil, James Young, Henry Young, Joseph Clark, J.B. Creed, William Creed, Goerge Wolf, William Thompson, James McLeod, James Stewart, Roderick McKenzie, Neil Matheson, Murdock Matherson, Donald MacLean, Flora Matherson, Flora MacLean, John MacLean, Neil MacLean, Alexander MacLean, James Campbell, Don Bruce, Malcolm McLeod, Alexander Nicholson, Alexander McLean, Lauchlin MacPhee, Malcom MacPhee, Swaine Campbell, John MacSwaine, John Stewart, Donald Campbell, Duncan Cameron, John McDonald, Alexander MacDonell, Hugh McDonald, Neil MacDonald, Alexander MacDonald, Neil Bruce, Mrs. MacQueen, John MacQueen, Rodrick Campbell, Widow McQueen, Angus MacInnis, Donald Gillis, Angus McPhee, Simon Campbel, [Angus Kinlayson], Widow Stewart, Alexander McLeod, Donald MacKay, Samuel McPherson, Peter Beaton, John Beaton, [Nichol Nicholson], Donald Nicholson, John McBeath, Jonathan MacInnis, [Donald Bethune], Archibald Nicholson, Alexander Munro, Ronald MacGillvary, John Dewar, John Donelly, John Clarke, Joseph Whiteman, John Whiteman, John Pool, George Atkin, Edward Thornton, Philip Beers, Duncan McDonald, Antony Bohannan, Martin Lambert, John Leamon, Robert Leamon, Richard Leamon, Charles Kennedy, Joseph Kennedy, Peter Campbell, Robert Dewar, Alexander Forbs, Donald Dewar, William Kennedy, Andrew Young, Fredrick Daney, John Philips, D. Cameron, John Suckles, Benjamin Suckles, Robert Thompson, James Atkin, William Peters, R. D. Westwary
Date (Other) |
1838 (year approximate) to 1848 (year approximate)
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
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Geographic - County | |
Subject (Topical) |