Title Proper |
Plan of Lot 48
Description |
Plan of Lot 48. Incomplete. Shows names of residents, acreage, and some land conveyance references for the eastern part of the lot, roads and bodies of water.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Details |
Plan of Lot 48. Incomplete. Shows names of residents, acreage, and some land conveyance references for the eastern part of the lot, roads and bodies of water.
Names Present on Map |
James Mutch, John Currie, Alexander Currie, Francis Mutch, John Kennedy, James Smallwood, Alexander Forbes,[John Faquhamson], Robert Jones, James Wood, Arch. Currie, John Monaghan, John Morrisey, Michael Cody, Stephen McEacherm, John Wood, [Maurice Carrol], William Chandler, William Ings, Samuel Noy, Leonard Wood, Martin Myers, James Carver, Widow John McDonald, James Chandler, [John Baukins], Nicholas Robinson, Peter Bollum, John Jenkins, Henry Jenkins, Henry Weatherby, Charles Wood, John Stewart, Benjamin Jenkins, [Nicholas Robin], Elisha Weatherby, Alexander Weatherby, William Ballum, [ Murphy], β¦Smith], [Hugh β¦ ],[Nicholas Robinson],Hugh Clarkin, Chris Myers, John Kelly, James Carrol, Patrick Woods, Arthur Mullin, Henry Kelly, James Corley, John Charles Finnegan, John Finnagan, Sarah Finnegan, Edward Redmond, James McClary, James McAdam, Patrick McAdam, Mrs. Peter McKenna, Patrick Trainor, James Trainor, Owen Connelly, James Kelly, James R. Wisner, Patrick Quinn, Michael Trainor, P. Mullins, Edward Redmond, Arthur Mullin, Robert Wood, James Stewart, Ronald Stewart, Daniel MacDonald, Allan McDonald,
Extent |
1 ms. map: col.; 150 x 64 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map. The map has damage around the edges. There are long tears extending inward from both the left and right edges. The map has some pieces missing, especially at the lower right corner, but loss of data appears to be minimal. Local discolouration.
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Subject (Topical) |