Title Proper |
Plan of Township No. 16 in Prince Edward Island
Subtitle |
The Property Of Miss Sullivan
Description |
Plan of Lot 16 (No.44). The property of Miss Sullivan. Shows names of residents, bodies of water, roads, and a compass. Color code shows freehold lands purchased from the Proprietor and other freehold lands.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Details |
Plan of Lot 16 (No.44). The property of Miss Sullivan. Shows names of residents, bodies of water, roads, and a compass. Color code shows freehold lands purchased from the Proprietor and other freehold lands. The map shows bodies of water such as Richmond Bay, roads, railroads
Names Present on Map |
James Arsenault, Chris. Barrie, Stephen Ouillet, [Metain Arsenaux], Stephen Alair Arsenaux, Urbain Arsenaux, Dominique Gallant, Prosphere Perry (Firman)[Matin Gallant], Thady Perry, Colo Perry, Velitte Arsenaux, [Le Ebert Perry], J.C. Arsenaux, Clement Gallant,Josph Placide Arsenaux, Slyvester Leclare, Peter Leclare, Bertholomay Arsenaux, Christian Arsenaux, Mareus Foran, Dennis C. Hogan, P. Caughlin, Patrick Ayers, [Peter Climent], Bennit Mackenzie, Thomas Bishop, John Macneil, John Bulger, Michael Melone (School), John Barlow, William Campbell, David Cameron, Alexander Campbell, James Alexander, Roderick Macneil, James Connell, Donald MacDonald, Neil Macneil, Donald Mcneill, John MacLeod, John Eyre, John Taylor, John Cameron, Alexander Allan, Matthew Walsh, Nicholas Kent, John Thorton ESq, [Michael Liarassay], Alexander Mackinnon, Mrs. D. Currie, Garnet Hendrahan, Paul Ayers, Hugh Gillis, Alexander Campbell, Archibald Cameron, Ronald Cameron, Michael Melone, Benjamin Farrow, Donald Cameron, Allan MacLean, John McNeill, William Campbell, Moses Arsenaux, John Arsenaux, Joseph Gallant, Andrew Arsenaux, [----- chill Arsenaux], William Fitzpatrick, Roderick McNeill, Tim McNeill,, Peter Perry, John Gillis, Caleb Polly, Li Arseneaux, John Perry, Damas Perry, [La Gaudet], [Hypolite Arsineaux], Daniel Clarke, Henry Bagloe, Murdock McPhee,John W.Rayner, Samuel Yeo, J& R Cameron, Samuel McFadyen, Thomas Charles Yeo, Peter Mc Gregor, Fred O'Brine, John MacLean, Niel Gillsi, Alex Cameron, Angus Cameron, John Le Page, Joseph Manderson, Hugh Gillis, Nicholas Kent, Mathew Walsh, William McLean, [Randth Cameron], Peter and George Cameron, Edward Burch, Donald MacDonald, Daniel Clarke, Henry Bagloe, Murdock M Phee, David Power, Alexander MacKay, William Mac Keown, Lawrence O'Farrel, Donald Mac Donald, George Symonds, Allan MacLeod, William Hutchison, Michael Long, [George H. ], John Mac Callum, Roderick MacDonald, Patrick Connors, Samuel Rodd, David Frazier, Donald Campbell, Benjamin Rogers, Peter Mac Gregor, Andrew MacGregor, John Ellis, James Lyle, Gilbert Mac Arthur, Archibald Hutchison, Hugh MacArthur, Thomas Lauchlin, Arthur Ramsay, T. Dawson, Allan Fraiser, James MacDonald, Henry Chimmick , Malcolm Campbell, John Mc Gregor, Hector Mclean, Jeremiah Simpson, John Perkins, John MacDougald, Archibald Campbell, Donald Fraser, Andrew Campbell, Daniel Campbell, William Campbell, Donald Rochfort, Simon Fraser, Belloni Gallant, David Lyle, Dariel Lyle, William Rochfort, Mrs. Rochfort,James Rochfort, David Fraser, Patrick Daley, Donald McLeod
Extent |
1 map: col.; 129 x 56 cm.
Physical Description |
Cloth map. Locol discolouration, small holes.
Scale |
20 chains/inch
Geographic - Continent | |
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Subject (Topical) |