Title Proper |
Plan of Township No,, 34 in Queens County in P. E. Island. The Property of Messrs,, Montgomeries, By James J. Bevan. Augt,, 1853.
Description |
Plan of Lot 34. Property of Messrs. Montgomery. Shows names of residents and acreage. Plan handed in to Registry Office by Aemeas McDonald. The map also shows bodies of water, bays, rivers, ponds, and gulfs, roads, and compasses.
Access Condition |
This material is provided for research, education, and private use only. For all other uses, please contact the Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island. All responsibilities for copyright are the responsibility of the user.
Type | |
Physical Location |
Public Archives and Records Office of P.E.I.
Public Archives Number |
Contributors |
Surveyor: Bevan, James J.
Details |
Plan of Lot 34. Property of Messrs. Montgomery. Shows names of residents and acreage. Plan handed in to Registry Office by Aemeas McDonald. The map also shows bodies of water, bays, rivers, ponds, and gulfs, roads, and compasses.
Names Present on Map |
A. Dugald McIsaac, Abraham Gills, Alexander Ferguson, Alexander McMillan, Alexander Shaw, Alexander Stewart, Arthur Harvey, Benjamin Balderston, Big John Scott, Charles Hardy, Charles Higgins, Charles McCarthy, Charles McCarty, Charles McGrath, Charles McMillan, Charles Mills, Charles Rodd, Charles Turner, Cor Higgins, Daniel Mullins, Daniel Ready, David Auld, David Brown, David Higgins, David Ross, David Woodrige, Donald McAulay, Donald McBeath, Donald McDonald, Donald McLaughlan, Donald McLean, Donald McMillan, Donald Stewart, Dugard McCormick, Duncan Ferguson, E. L. Lydiard, Edward Douglas, Edward Lane, Edward Mullins, Edward Wyatt, Garrott Russell, George Brodie, George Deacon, George Hardy, George Lawson, George Sellers, George Simond, George W Bouyer, George West, Glebe, Harper, Haythorn, Henry Green, Henry Hardey, Henry Swan, Hugh Connors, Hugh McMillan, Isaac Thompson, James Auld, James Barr, James Bouyer, James Clow, James Dover, James Ferguson, James Flynn, James Hayes, James McAulay, James McDonald, James Millar, James Mobbs, James Murphy, James Robertson, Jeremiah Magher, John Bell, John Classon, John Connors, John Curren, John Douglas, John Doyle, John Ferguson, John French, John Giles, John Godfrey, John Hall, John Hardey, John Haydon, John Hughes, John Lamphiet, John Lannen, John Lawson, John Matthew, John McDonald, John McIntyre, John McMillan, John McQuaid, John Phalen, John Phalet Junior, John Scott, John Scott McLeod, John Stewart, John Weir, John Whalen, John Yeo, Joseph Wyatt, Lawrence Kenny, Lional German, Little John Scott, Luke Doyle, M. Burk, Malcolm Darrach, Malcolm Darrarh, Martin Power, Martin Reed, Michael Davis, Michael Howlett, Michael Reardon, Michael Walsh, Morgan Curren, Mungo McFarlen, Neil Darrach, Neil Leach, Neil McInnis, Neil Shaw, Neil Stewart, Nicholas Mullins, Patrick Furlong, Patrick Hayes, Patrick James Murphy, Patrick Lawler, Patrick Murphy, Patrick Riley, Peter Higgins, Peter McGrath, Peter Stewart, R. A. Fellows, Reardon, Robert Hodgson, Robert Lawson, Robert McGregor, Robert Robertson, Robert Vessey, Roger Harper, Samuel Arbins, Samuel Westicott, Simon Power, Stephen Charles, Stephen T., Stephen Tracey, Thomas Alexander, Thomas Foster, Thomas Hardey, Thomas Kelly, Thomas Magher, Thomas McGrath, Tristine Wooldrige, Trsitine Woldrige, Vickerson, Widow Stewart, William Bouyer, William Brent, William Carr, William Carroll, William Cass, William Cook, William Crockett, William Crockett Junior, William Large, William Lawson, William Mabin, William Pladwell, William Riley, William Seaman, William Vessey, William W. Duck, William Wooldrige
Date Created |
August 1853
Extent |
1 map: col.; 57 x 159 cm.
Physical Description |
Paper map on paper backing. Some of the map has come off the backing, resulting in loss of data. There is a large piece (approx. 50 x 27 cm, irregularly shaped) missing at the top of the map resulting in loss of data.
Geographic - Continent | |
Geographic - Country | |
Geographic - Province/State | |
Geographic - County | |
Geographic - Lot/Region | |
Subject (Topical) |